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The Stumbling Block

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I found this online video:

http://www.thestumblingblock.com/ (click on "The Movie" on the left side to see it)

It is pretty long, 2 hours and 40 minutes, and has a lot of annoying moments (like screaming into the microphone, irritating language and one and the other "untasty" picture/s), but other than that the guy makes some interesting comments. Mainly he explains how Jesus preached to rebel against our "kings" (because you can not have alligience to two kings) and that he was pretty much a "liberal" guy, also that Christianity itself was made to rebel against "the system" but instead became the system.

He also mentions other things, like how the Genesis describes two "gods", one wanting Adam and Eve to eat of the apple and spread across the world, while "the other" do not want them to eat of the tree and instead take care of Eden. Also, that the beast may be civilization itself etc.

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Jesus's teachings are very liberal and a lot of them have been bend to allow many todays church practices for one reason or another. Marx and Jesus would really like each other since their ideas would be very much alike.

Here one teaching of Jesus that is not followed exactly: Jesus said that people should pray in private and not make a show of it or even speak prayer aloud (I'll look up the Bible's reference), however that is not followed and modern day TV preachers and the megachurches of US and finally faith healers would be a violation of this teaching, actually churches would be in way violations, however due to the fact that in ancient times people were more illiterate the only way to spread the word of Bible was through churches and public preaching.

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