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I think the westwood server sucks. When I play on WWO in a 4 player you can have tremedous lag sometimes. But I also play AOE2 at the zone where we play 8 human player games and have less lag and some of us even had a 28.8k modem!

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You are absolutly correct. It's common knowledge. I doubt anyone who has played there in the last 6 months would argue with you.

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Argh, when you play a game of Dune 2000 the only time you are connected to their server is when you are in the chat channel or sending results back. Once the game starts you are directly connected to the other players. Therefore it all depends on the connection of who you are playing or your own. Now the problem with lag could be in the network coding but I don't know how true that is, my guess is AOE had more optimized networking code the Dune2k had...

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