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i used tibed changed some things on emporer battle for dune and after 10min. it crashes with a error report saying game.exe has to blah blah if any one else has the same problem I have the solution.but is there a way I could use the tibedited version with it crashing?

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In general, it's good practice to replace incidntal unit and structure headings that aalready exist. A few units/structures/bullets/etc over the norm won't matter, but Emp will crash if you add too many new files. We've never been able to work out precisely what the problem is.

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hmm well ive been playine recently ::)it has an effect but after i built my star port in other words i had barraks 2refs con factory hanger7 things then it crashed so either the computer or tibed is a good editor but no editors are great ::)or perfect :O

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