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Problem joining/hosting games


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I just installed the game on a friend's computer; the installation was fine and then I put on the patch, map packs etc and set the server IP to RA's.  The game ran well in single player and I was able to login online.  In the lobby I could see the games and people on the buddy list. 

When I tried to join a game however, the hourglass appeared and then nothing happened (still looking at the lobby).  Next I hosted a game and had him join. His name appeared on the list, but I couldn't kick him out. Meanwhile he closed the game and tried again, then his name appeared twice on the list.  When trying to host a game, it says error opening channel or something.

I doubt it's a firewall problem since it was able to login successfully, but maybe it's possible.  He has an always-on cable internet connection, and so between those two things I have no idea what could cause the problem...

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Nice unique problems :)

Is it only between you two or between others as well ?

You didnt specify whether you had any luck or even tried with other players.

Certain ports are used between players and maybe there is some problem with those. Can you describe your internet setup ? Routers and stuff...

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The problem occurred when trying to join any game.  I just had him join one I hosted so I could examine the problem from a different angle.

He has a cable internet connection (comcast).  The cable modem is connected to a wireless router, but the computer is connected to the router with a wire.  I have the same set up at my house but I have no problems joining games.  I just find it odd that it works partially, that he can enter the lobby and see the games and players, but not join them.  Usually things work completely or not at all.

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I had a problem like this with my laptop, because I occasionaly use "other" networks. It turned out that the ip address in the game's network settings (in options-network) wasn't the same as the one assigned by my router. It must have been the one assigned by the other network and it didn't change when I got home. so check your games listed IP against the computers's IP. Maybe this might help. cause I could see games but not join.

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In the options menu for network card, it says and the drop down menu contains nothing but that.  That should be the correct address for the router because is the IP for logging in and changing the settings (the brand is Netgear if that matters), and the number for actually using it is typically one more.

I tried again today to host a game and the "Channel creation failed" message appeared again.  I tried to join someone's game and only got the continuous hour glass (sorry for messing that up for you, ra1024).

I turned off the windows firewall (there aren't any others on this computer) just in case and gave it one more try, but the same problem occurred.

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How about bypassing the router, if possible ? You said it was a cable ISP, so you should be able to remove the router temporarily and see if the router or its firewall is causing any issues.

Then put it back when you have tested without it.

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Here's another thought- when it comes to windows firewall there is off and then there is really off.  Did you just go into the control panel/firewall and click on the off button? Try clicking on the advance tab and see if it is still enabled for your LAN.

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Disconnecting the router is a good idea, I'll do that as soon as I get a chance.  Well, it's a good idea in the sense that it's another reasonable thing to try, somehow I'm not optimistic that will fix it  :-

I'm fairly sure when you turn the windows firewall off that it does go off completely.  Even if the boxes are still checked in the advance tab it shouldn't matter.  Those checkmarks are for turning off individual areas of the firewall while it's on (by checking the allow exceptions box in the main tab).  That's what it looks like to me anyway, but maybe Windows's explanation of it is misleading.

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Some of the people who post here work with 'Puter's for a living and know alot. Thats not me, so the only time I offer suggestions is if the problem happened to me and what finally worked to fix it. I see what you mean  about the wording in the firewall settings box, but once after I reformatted my laptop, installing emp and all patches, and turning off the firewallI, I could not join our LAN games. And if I hosted, my son and my neighbor could not see my game. Unchecking the box for the Lan fixed the problem for me. Anyway that's all I could think of to help, Hope you can get it fixed.

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I think what Voodoodudedoo is saying is that you need to turn off the firewall from each connections advanced tab. I dont think you need to do that though, when its off it should be off.

As for the router thing, it will eliminate the router from the equation. That is assuming it comes back not working without the router. If it does work, then you can investigate further.

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I did it, unconnected the router and put the computer right into the modem.  I also turned off the firewall again and unchecked that box to be sure.  Same problem, nothing changed.  This is getting a little frustrating.  I'm going to double check that there's not any other firewall programs, I guess there's a possibility an anti-virus program could have one built in and I missed it.  Besides that I'm out of ideas.  The only thing I can say that might explain it: it's a Dell  :(

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Well it seems that you have confirmed its something to do with the machine itself by ruling out the router.

One very intensive thing you could try is packet sniffing.  I dont know how familiar with this you are, but basically it will allow you to "see" the conversation your game has with rooraa's server. Might help. Ethereal is a packet sniffer, and you will need the winpcap driver as well, both of which you can google for if you decide to do it.

Maybe even post the results here and we might be able to help you interpret them :).

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I've never heard of packet sniffing before but the idea makes sense to me.  I won't get a chance to try it for about a week, but in the meantime I'll learn up on how it's done. 

Stupid Dell, I know they'll end up being part of the problem somehow.  I keep telling everyone it's a crap company but nobody seems to figure it out until after they give 'em their money.

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