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A theme I've noticed to be recurrent in PRP is the question of how much our lives ought to be governed by chance.

Clearly, no-one is exempt from all sorts of catastrophes. But I'd like to start a thread on purely hypothetical terms (that means no references to communism, Bush, religion, etc).

I'd like to know how far you believe that society should be responsible for ensuring that its members do not fall into harm when it can be easily prevented.

That people often claim "life's not fair" is, in my opinion, no excuse for trying to help others, and to ensure that it is as fair as possible. It's like an argument for abolishing police and saying "crime happens". What individuals bring upon themselves knowingly is one thing, but it is society's fundamental duty to try to prevent them from harming others. It is the especial duty of the community to ensure that the young are all brought up with the same prospects, the same chances to excel, (I don't mean that all education should be reduced to a lowest common denominator).

I'd like to know how far you believe that society should be responsible for ensuring that its members do not fall into harm when it can be easily prevented.

I think that basically, most countries (at least in Europe) are just trying to do the best they can.


I think the state should make efforts to prevent danger from occuring whenever it doesn't infringe on their personal rights. I think the state shouldn't be permitted to go out and set up cameras to look for things that "may or may not happen" but to a certain extent, they are responsible for everyone's safety.

I think the state shouldn't be permitted to go out and set up cameras to look for things that "may or may not happen" but to a certain extent, they are responsible for everyone's safety.

To what sort of an extent? Because if they have too much surveillence, people complain about the "big brother" complex.  If they have too little, people complain because the state aren't doing enough - they don't know what's going on.  QED.

And honestly, I've never heard anyone complain about to little government surveillance :P

"We demand more cameras in the city centre, there are - oh dear - black/muslim/foreign/young/skinheaded people there at night when it's dark and they always look so menacing, young hooligans/terrorists/etc, drinking their lager/vodka/latt

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