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Republic: The Revolution


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Well I went to a store closing sale and this game caught my eye.

I just got it installed and started a game about a half an hour ago and am completely lost lol.

I read the manual and did the tutorial but things just arnt sticking.

Can somebody with this game tell me what the hell im supposed to do?

Like from the start how do I get going good.

And just general information about the game would be nice too.

Anybody with experience with this game help me out!

I know once I know how to work things this will be an awsome game....

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I think this should be posted in Gaming. :)

Did I not post this in Gaming?

I must have put it in the wrong board.....thats what lack of sleep will do to ya

I apologize...

I know I could just go look up some info but I figured some first hand experence would be best....

I know Edric knows things about this game but I havent seen him lately...

Common people somebody must have some experience with this game.

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