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''Sneak, I understand, and apologize for being too upfront.''

Thank you Acriku, not having heard my name used in a sentence containing courtesy for some time, that makes me feel all warm inside ;D

'' If anybody is accepting that plants feel pain, are they willing to accept that bacteria and viri feel pain, as well? And that they may be sentient?''

I haven't re-read my post (which I posted some time ago), but I think I remember that that was pretty much one of the things I was getting at. If plants feel pain and are sentient because of nuerons, then that could mean every cell in a body is sentient, which is crazy, and in that case we should all destroy ourselves because of the discomfort we are causing to billions of cells ;D. Humans are only sentient because the sum of their nuerology related parts together is profoundly greater than the sum of those parts apart.

It is difficult to believe that a plant's nuero/mental system (if properly existing) could ever be advanced enough to provide sentience...


You do bring up some good points but as Andrews said, we're the head of the food chain. I mean, we use to chase animals down with sticks and sometimes battle them but we eventually won...And about the grain thing, I agree but will it be used to feed people? No. Would ot be used to feed people even if it wasn't needed for cattle? No, we'd find some other purpose for it.

I agree with that statement 100%

But I would like to add that I dont believe in vegetarianism... I think a mix of everything is proper.

I enjoy eating steaks that are so big you cant see the edges of the plate, I like eating slabs of barbacue sause soaked ribs, I like eating fried chicken. I would never give up eating meat.

Sure you can survive being vegetarian but its no way to live. Being on the top of the food chain makes us the boss. The other animals are here for whatever we choose...

Its not like we are slaughtering the cattle into extinction..most cattle meant for eating are raised solely for that purpose.

And also I dont like people that are vegetarian because of the fact that most of them are hipocritical....

They claim to be vegetarian and dont do anything that has to do with killing animals well bull shit...

Looking at the person saying that they are wearing a leather jacket and leather shoes....

They start it because they feel bad for the animals and think that they will make some huge difference and stop the slaughter of animals if they quit eating it.

And when you talk to somebody that is vegetarian and you yourself are not they question you like you are insane and are really cruel...."how could you eat meat" "how could you eat something that once lived" "how can you be so cruel" " your so unsensitive" "your a barbarian" " how could you eat a cute little animal"

I get sick of all that shit.....

People are free to there own opinion and can do as they please as long as it dosent effect me in any way.....

Another thing about that is I ask people that are vegetarian if they dont eat any animals and they say yes. I mention eggs and they say they eat eggs....

People who do not understand the true meaning of vegetarianism and claim to be one really tick me off.

If the person is a true vegetarian to the bone than that is ok, I can accept that that they atleast are true to what they claim.

The dont wear leather , they dont eat any meat or anything that was once a animal. They dont do anything that contridicts being a vegetarian,than I can agree with that......

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