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Advance Wars II, GBA

Lord J

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Incredible game.

That's really about all I can say about it. The AI is some of the toughest I've seen, the campaign is simply incredible, the difference in factions is unparalelled.

When I heard about a Turn-Based Strat for GBA...Well...I'm sure you guys can figure out what I thought. But this thing is easily as playable and deep as any PC strat in existence.

The only faults I've seen are: Storyline is a tad cartoony and predictible, only one savegame slot, and well, that's about it. Seriously.

If you own a GBA and you like strats: Go out and buy this game. It's one of the cheapest in my collection, and, by far, one of the best. Comments?

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The battlegrounds remind me a lot of the Warcraft 2 battlegrounds, in that there is a great variety in size.

As far as I've seen, though, is in the map editor (Yes, a map editor, this is an incredibly good game), you can build a map up to 30 by 20 spaces...Which most likely you would never need for a game like this.

As far as unit types...Well, there are two types of infantry, a "recon" vehicle, an APC, 3 types of tank, artiliery units, missile units, two types of anti-air units, copters, transport copters, fighter jets, bombers, three types of ships, including a transport ship. You will fight on land, sea, air, and a combination of the three.

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Well, they're currently the cheapest modern console gaming systems in existence, plus you don't have to buy a TV.

I personally suggest, should you elect to buy a GBA, go ahead and get the GBA SP. It's backlit, comes with its own AC adapter and battery pack, and flips down like a square cell phone. It's only about $20-$30 more than the regular GBA.

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Never played the first one, by the time I got the GBA, Advance Wars II was almost out. I wouldn't have bought it in the first place had it not been for some of the reviews I read. Check a few of the gaming review sites, though, they'll probably answer any questions like that. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tested this game with my friend's GBA. Yeah, it's good. The beginning is just plain stupid, it's irriating to press all the time that A button, when the commanders talk about simple things, like what is HP. Sigh. Another problem is the, that there's no randomaniziton in damage calculating! Every unit does *always* the same damage, if no defense bonuses.

But anyway, good game. :)

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