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Everything posted by ead

  1. and if they shouldn't find anything, they can still bring along some of their own and paint an iraq-flag on it ::)
  2. ok, i think so too.. but afterall this means, that this war is done only because of this reason: there is a dictator, ignoring human rights (killing opposition and so on) and where is my problem than? its just, why does bush want to attack iraq only, and not china for example? in china there is a "dictatorship" as well (i.e. people are killed because of their political view) .. so why not attack china? btw - they have weapons of mass destruction as well ::)
  3. well, this is what our news reported: - this lung illnes is called SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and is caused by a mysterious "thing" - but its not too contagious (direct contact is needed), so this will not cause a pestilence-like dease or something - nevertheless there are about 170 infected and 4 already died (worldwide)
  4. yeah, the same elite secret service with wich they caught osama... ::) iraq will fall, thats sure - but not the(ir) terrorists inside
  5. hello everybody! i just wanted to mention that i do not see the REASON for this war clearly anymore: - first it was because of saddam supporting terror - then it were these weapons of mass destruction - and now it is because saddam is a dictator (i mean irak is not a democracy) so what should i think about it? can somebody help?!
  6. oh sorry, i expressed my self a bit unlucky - due english is not my native language ;) what i wanted to say is: it would be great, when carryalls would pickup damaged units and transport them to the repair-station and then back to the battlefield .. as someone mentioned this should be only done when requested (by pressing a key or something) [crash] sorry to tell this, but they are still lurking around :'( yes, i can mail you my savegame, but the problem is: it is not so easy to redo these crashes by simply loading that savegame and do something specific the reason is that many decisions from the enemy are based on random (the random-function to be exact) i suppose so every time loading the same savegame slight different things will happen.. that means the crash cannot be caused a reliable way to debug it effectivly but: the solution to that problem is to set random-calculation to a solid value (with a function called "srand" or so) now every time you load the savegame, the ai will do the same things... if.. IF the user (the human player) does the same things he always did! i mean, i can't save just before the crash occurs, cause i don't know, when this happens... now there a two solutions: 1) you could build in an auto-save every second or so 2) log all user-commands (ie: if a user send a unit to attack - log this (+timestamp!!) ) than, for debugging, this log should be used to recreate the EXACT situation just before the crash i propose, we try the first solution first, cause it will not take too much implementation time what do you think? [frigate] let come a frigate (bringing something), now, after it successfully unloaded that stuff, it will fly away - and in that moment press esc -> menu will open and the frigate will stand still.. by pressing esc again, the menu will vanish, but the frigate will still be there not moveing (but you can select it or so.. :)) btw - if a transport is coming, but the starport is destroyed meanwhile, the frigate will unload its stuff - may be that could be changed [short cuts, placing buildings] well, middle mouse butten is probably more than i wanted .. :) i mean i would be happy if you just bind the "p"-key to the effect which happens if a building is ready to be placed and you klick on the icon in the construction window
  7. [loading function] does not work correctly ... you allways get the last saved game or so [short key] is there a short-key to place a building? i mean, when its ready to place, i dont want to klick with the mouse on that icon on the bar.. ( thats a bit annoying when building many many concrete or walls :) ) [repairing/carryalls] someone said it, i believe, i just wanted to remind ::) [crash] i can't tell exactly why it happen, but as i found out, it could have something to do with the sonic tanks again :P when attacking with a large group of sonics an enemy base, the game crashes -surprisingly this did never happen by attacking with siege tanks or rocket launchers -the chance of crasing is increased, if there are enemy units in the fight though i could recreate this crash very often, its not guaranteed :( but i have the following proposal: - make a constant random-seed (very import to redo these kind of crashes) - and now the major thing is: log all user-commands (with timestamp!) now i would run some tests, trying to get that crash and send you this logfile (+savegame) than you can recreate the crash at the same time and with the same paramters over and over again, a good thing for debugging i suppose ;) [tanks] yeah, the ability to shoot while moving is really really great! fantastic idea! makes the sieges & coms to usable and good units :) [rocket launcher] the rocket launchers are now fair, too. although they are sometimes a bit weak against a single (rocket)trooper but there are no changes needed yet (have to test this more in detail first) [sonics] thanks for that patch - worked fine! .. aside from the crash ;D
  8. I'm using legacy 0.88b2 .. (fresh install)
  9. this makes me a bit confused ... let me gather the things and bring them in some order: imagine you have a SINGLE sonic tank somewhere in the landscape (no enemys no worms or whatever) now: - in dune2 this single sonic tank cannot die by simply firing around (no specific target - just blow up sand) but: - in dune2legacy this single sonic tank would die by just simply firing around => this is not really a question of control - thats just a bug ;) compare it to this: the Death Hand would destroy the palace from which it was fired the other problem is, that, if you have TWO sonic tanks, the first one could damage the second one. THIS is a matter of control but in dune2, a sonic tank COULD NOT damage another one - regardless of side (friend/enemy) well, in dune2k it is different, i know ;) but i would prefer to choose the first way. and here comes the reason: the sonic tank is just unusable, the way he is now, just try it out: -make a group of 10, and go for a small battle you will be easily defeated by two or three siege tanks, especially at high game speed -now, take a group of 10 rocket launchers, facing these three siege tanks, you won't have casaulties finally the question: why use sonics? coolness (at a higher price)? ;D its just the thing: if a unit (or weapon) is uneffective - nobody use it! same goes with Death Hand: in Red Alert the Nuke is accurate but TOTALLY uneffective => no sense to use it much better is the idea of heavy destruction at luck - so it makes the DH attractive, but still not too powerfull.. oh, here is another point, i want to mention: it seems to me that the siege tank is a bit underpowered, its just because i tried out different unit-mixes, and finally the best one is: launcher-only .. .. or have others different experiences? please tell!!
  10. hello TonyD! first of all: a really great work you have done! its incredible! of course i played the skirmish-mode, and may be i can give some hints: - speed problem: probably its an individual problem of my 600 athlon, but somehow the game is a bit too fast... i mean, in battles its impossible to think about formations or whatever, just 10 seconds and all is over ;) for instance the deviator is of no use - you have not the time to send the deviatet units to their new missions and so on.. i read here something about a "-"-key but that did not work :( - MCV as i deploy a MCV, the new CY is in the yellow-damage-level - factorys/starport deploying place anybody knows earth2150? there you can set a point on a map, where a constructed unit will sent to.. this would be a nice feature :) - sardaukar can't build sonic tanks -> in super dune 2 they could ::) - sonik tanks they do damage to each other AND THEM SELVES!! both is really bad :'( check this out: let a single sonic tank destroy one harvester after another (by leaving the enemy with a single refinery) and see the sonic tank dying and then the problem with groups: if not in a straight line, they will do more damage to each other than to an approaching opponent.. - "radar & so on"-bar on the right i don't know, how this exactly happen, but by switching between the legacy window and some other programs, suddenly this bar was away - did i pressed a specific key? how can i re-activate the bar again?
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