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  1. ME TOO!!!! :-[
  2. I was a slave once :'( Then i got a job and left home
  3. WOW :O N1 Where can i buy heartplugs?? my sister would look good with one :D
  4. Ok heres one Why do the guys with the bushy eyebrows have a red rashy thing around their mouth?? :-
  5. Head banging to Avril Lavigne??? no Banging Avril Lavigne??? BIG YES :P
  6. Id rather set myself on fire than watch the SCI FI channel >:(
  7. Kool ;D id be a harkonnen Me and Sting could start a band ;)
  8. Was'nt Sting in Dune?? :-
  9. Wow Thuc!! youre not askin much lol ;D Just one thing i want guys ,get rid of the Inkvine barrels and put in more powerful napam barrels with a nice wide splash Burn the filth >:(
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