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  1. Awesome!!! I'll be there, and will let the old ORLOX 7 clan know. See you then... ;D
  2. I'm afraid by shuting down the Clan system WW or whoever runs the ebfd server now. Is giving us the boot soon. By slowly taking away our options in the game they forcing us all to either buy a new game (Generals) or to just quit. WW/EA PA has no interest in keeping the game going. I will play till the end. EBFD is probably one of the funnest and Addictive games I have ever played. The end will come soon. I bet sooner than we all expect. But like I always say I hope I'm wrong. LONG LIVE EMPEROR: BATTLE FOR DUNE!!!!!!
  3. The begining of the end. Weather WW keeps EBFD on or not. The game will never be the same. :'( But of course I hope I'm wrong...
  4. Well I lost to Vicious. Good luck Vicious! And Remember If you win I'll take Generals off your hands since u can't use it! ;D
  5. Hey I can wait if you want. Lets do it tommorrow. How about 6pm (CST) on Monday January 27, 2003. That's as long as I can wait though. Let me know if you are cool with this. P.S. IF we do play and you happen to win. Since you can't run Generals I will be glad to take it off your hands. hehe
  6. Vicious the time is fine with me...see u then... so then if all times are in GMT that means that it's GMT - 5 for me. so then at...8pm is it? so then Monday, January 27th at 8:00pm. sound right? ok. jager, IM me here and tell me if these are ok with you. they're ok with me so long as it doesn't take more that like 3 hours. ::) ;)
  7. Hey I think ur wrong about your timezone man. I belive youre GMT -6 hey your right thanks gmt-6 is my time
  8. sign me up To The Death!!!!!! >:( nickname: jager40 location: Iowa, U.S.A. G.M.T. +2hrs
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