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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. The Westwood Experience(http://www.westwoodexp.com/) is holding a chat for the total coversion mod for Renegade called "Renegade : Battle For Dune". The chat will be held on Saturday Feb. 1st 2003 at 8:00PM GMT/3:00PM EST/ 2:00PM CT/ 12:00PM PST. The chat will be held in the Westwood Experience chat room on MIRC. For those of you that have MIRC here is the info. IRC Server: irc.elite-irc.net Port(s): 6667 then join room #wwexp For those of you that dont have MIRC click on "WWEXP Chat" under features on the left side bar of the site. Hope to see you all there and answer some of your questions:) Oh and we will be giving away 5 beta slots! Thanks, Aaron
  2. The Westwood Experience http://www.westwoodexp.com/ is holding a chat for the total coversion mod for Renegade called "Renegade : Battle For Dune". The chat will be held on Saturday Feb. 1st 2003 at 8:00PM GMT/3:00PM EST/ 2:00PM CT/ 12:00PM PST. The caht will be held in the Westwood Experience chat room on MIRC. For those of you that have MIRC here is the info. IRC Server: irc.elite-irc.net Port(s): 6667 then join room #wwexp For those of you that dont have MIRC click on "WWEXP Chat" under features on the left side bar of the site. Hope to see you all there and answer some of your questions:) Oh and we will be giving away 5 beta slots! Thanks, Aaron
  3. wow cool thanks for postings this for us :) I posted about it in a different forum as I did not know you posted about it here. Hope you are not mad :'(
  4. n/m this post posted in the wrong one lol
  5. oh i am so sorry i did not know that :( :'( well a mod can lock this topic then.
  6. Yep thats right the Westwood Experience is working on a new mod for Renegade called "Renegade : Battle For Dune". You can visit the Official Forums for Renegade: Battle For Dune here To see some features and pictures of the mod so far clickhere To see the Mod Team so far and what we all need yet clickhere Thanks, Aaron- Webmaster of the Westwood Experience
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