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  1. That. We have formed a new clan of games RTS, for the game Emperor: Battle For Dune. Still it is in formation this branch of the clan and we hoped that with this an impulse occurs him to community RTS to see if we can make something greater. For that they want to visistar our new forum of Emperor: Battle for Dune, you can go to http://usuarios.lycos.es/klanorn/foro/index.php?act=SF&f=8 For that they want to register, they can go to http://www.coliseo.cl/orn/ebfd/formulario.htm and fill the form. It would thank for to other clans and players to them who contacted themselves with us in the forum to program encounter online. That. Enjoy! LONG LIVE THE FIGHTERS! p.d.= in these forum, i'm -ORN-Killer ;D p.d.2 = if'u want post, make the post in english. No problem. ;)
  2. YEAH!!!! it's cool amigo!!! está buena la guea !!!!! hahahahahahahaha ;D 8)
  3. Well, the chat is disabled, but the on-line gaming is right.
  4. I think that the Worms in Emperor are so weak, in comparation with Dune 2000. It must be more strong. :-
  5. You have these files??? wow... jejeje can you send me it? ;)
  6. OTF... Only True Fear is the efect that's cause my clan in the opponents... 8)
  7. Hahahahahahahahaha... ;D
  8. thanks, chris. Thank'u so much... ;D
  9. Hehehehe... yeah, man. No problem. 1. The money for keep it up, have relation with the other points. And if we need money, the community resolve this. ;D 2. Here in Chile, the companies give to us a computer, web space and broadband to host servers for on-line games. It is only necessary to demonstrate that the community is big. Examples: http://www.coliseo.cl/arenas.asp (Servers of Quake 2, 3, UT, CS, Ultima Online, etc.) http://www.frag.cl (many games servers) 3. The computers are cool. I'm sure... ;) 4. All the community collaborates in the mantainance of the servers. The majority are professionals. I, for example, am Multimedia Systems and Internet Producer. 5. The companies resolve these problems. At last, the computers are of them... ;) The only that i need, is known how make a server... ;D
  10. then, we can't have a server like WOL? how we can make one? Programming it? ??? ;) Chris, can you help us to make one, or not? ;D I do not understand why all watch with as much sad and nostalgy to the emperor. Instead of that, they would have to try to raise it, to do that people known that is better game than many which last they have left. Also that is my idea to make a server, here in Chile. So that all see the quality of the game and hopefully, to make to the producers of the game to that they do not leave it back. (i make the traduction of text in a traductor. Sorry... jejejeje :P) I need a server... hahahahaha ;D
  11. WestWood / Electronic Arts Pacific If you have something new to add to your reply use the edit button. Dont start new posts with only a few words please. ok. sorry. :-[ ;)
  12. aaa... and, what is WW/EAP?
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