lowzeewee u like/good at infantry war? anyway anyone heard of a player called aceprince? or are there anyone from south korea here who wishes or interested to join my clan? reply under this topic.
This may be a very simple question, but it takes alot of consideration to choose a house for battle clan matches. Either of the 3 main houses and 5 subhouses are available for you to choose.
Shadowjaw and Jaws Ruler r 2 different persons. Me(Shadowjaw) is just lendin Jaws Ruler my account cos he's waitin for his registration. Wont take more than 1 day....
Somehow you have not seen us for weeks and months...but...we will be back on March. after much practising, we are confident that we can go for battle calns very soon... And after recruiting 20 members we will strike Note: Brotherhood of Jaws is now ruled by Jawsruler, not me Shadowjaw anymore... He is better, so he should be our leader. Challenge him if you dare, but I suggest you defeat at least 10 of our members before challenging him...
Join Jaws that's it. You will be fairly treated. And what a load of rubbish people say that we have a few members...just their very imagination...lol...how funny! Join Jaws n u will c we arent talking shit! ;D
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