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  1. Hey pple I managed to get online with TUNNGLE and played newlords and youko My Skype (and real) name is Brenn Quirynen
  2. Hey sandcrawlers, I am in a nostalgic moment and I am thinking on re-installing the game on my comp. Just to play the single player and also multiplayer if there are still people playing these days. I will try Tunngle to try to play online one of these days. It would be great to play with some old friends! Is there a group on social media nowadays? Like Facebook or Whatsapp? My Facebook account is Brenn Quirynen, add me if you want. EDIT: I managed to play online with TUNNGLE on my laptop with Wi10 :D. Thanks to Youkolord! No I have to try to get it working on my other comp with Wi7. I have lags and flickering. Maybe an Wi7 and graphic card issue. I ll look into it.
  3. i changed mine into brennq@hotmail.com
  4. i just wanna tell u guys that i can only use one account : q_p i got it from erjin who helped me out, very greatfull for that. c u on t sandz brennq
  5. ye i managed to get online with erjin's account. I don't understand other accounts didn't work, but im glad i could play some online and get owned :)
  6. ok the keys work now coz i didnt install my keyboard yet :P the mini patch for zooming etc works now, i had to save it instead of just open it. its a very great patch :D i set the server to ra server, i did everything it sais but if iwant to get online i get bad password after i inserted my account, i remember i had that same thing some years ago...
  7. i filled in account name and pw that are working and i still get bad password, so i dont think its a problem with the account. i played a bit single player and i suck really bad :P i can't even ctrl shift attack anymore??? and the patch to zoom out more doesnt work either. :s
  8. i managed to install the game but if i want to play online and i fill in my account and password it sais bad password. can't i use my old account anymore? and i couldnt make a new acount i tried in the menu in game and also in the link gob stated in one of the essential threads.
  9. hey warskum mayb we gotta play vs each other (in the near future i hope) and have a descent noob game ;D
  10. yes I am a nOOb again, if i come online i have only a few sec left before i get devoured by u all.
  11. Hey everyone. How are you all doing? I have been playing other games and even stopped playing, but then i thought about the good old days of emp. Sad my emp cd's wont work anymore coz i wanted to play it again. some1 want to send hes copy? :P It's great ist still alive. cya
  12. nice to c pple comming back :)
  13. brennq GMT+1
  14. http://www.idleworm.com/sfi/dune2.shtml :D
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