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  1. Good Day, all. I have recently gone back and started playing my mod "Epic Dune 2k". I designed and put it together many years ago. As happens, time passes and my dreams of making a truly epic Dune based game have passed on into the realities of life. That said, I am thinking of trying my hand at making a new Dune based game, one that not only incorporates the spirit of the books, but is also militarily and tactically plausible within the limits of the canon. As my experience is in military strategy, that is most likely the direction this project will take. I guess my real query is not so much if the fans here would enjoy a Dune based strategy game, as obviously the answer would be a resounding yes, but if my "style" of tactically plausible strategy game is fun for anyone, anymore, and whether an update would be worth it. Please be honest. Thank you very much. Jason Holdsclaw
  2. Also here is an updated version of the Unit and Defense List for 2.0 Thank you. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  3. Hey thank Andrew for your help! Its been some time since last I was on these forums. In any case the archive is only 7k and replaces the 4 binary files: Armour.bin Buildexp.bin speed.bin and templates.bin in the data/bin directory of your Dune2000 install folder. Overall it gives the game a new balance, again based off of a mix of modern or sci-fi weaponry and feudal siege. Tactis and strategy are much more important as simply rushing probably will work much less effectively or not at all. This also makes for much longer games overall, so if you are into speed gaming, its probably not for you. You will also notice a few weapons and their effects have been altered... favorites include the new sonic cannon on the sonic tank and the lasguns on sardaukar. It has been tested with multiplayer and single player campaign and is compatible with both. Let me know if anyone has any comments at j.holdsclaw@gmail.com. Thanks all! [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  4. Oops just noticed some spelling errors, sorry. Still havent received word from Madhi, though I know its only been an hour or two. If there is another way to submit now please let me know. Thanks.
  5. Hello. My name is Jason Holdsclaw. I was on this forum a long time ago as "harkahn". I am the author of the Dune 200 mod known as Epic Dune 2000. I had several updates I never published due to time constraints with school and then work. In any case I just want to see if anyone is interested. There have been several subtle enhancements and changes, nothing illogical or out of place with the Dune universe, that make the game fit more "realistic" weapons and physics conventions. My friends and I have enjoyed this for many years, many more than the original state of the game. I hope some of you give it a try. I sent an e-mail to Madhi so hopefully I will be able to to hose the archive with the update .bin files on FED2K. Thank you.
  6. harkahn

    Unit SFX

    Hmmm.. alright I tried it, and it didnt really work. I used a Hex editor to change all the strings in the HKGunturret xbf files. There were 8 or 9 in all. No change, except that if I have it try to load the first 3 files of those 8 or 9, something like HKGunturret_H0, HKGunturret_h1, and HKGunturret_h2 it crashes to the desktop when loading a game, save game or whatnot... do you have any ideas why this is? Any help is appreciated. - Jason
  7. harkahn

    Unit SFX

    Thanks for all your help, everybody. I really appreciate the feedback. I'll be trying that now and then letting everyone know what happens. Thanks again. - Jason
  8. harkahn

    Unit SFX

    Hey All. I used to post in the old Dune 2000 forums under Harkahn I believe. I am the creator of Epic Dune 2000 for you that were here back in the day. Been messing with some Emperor's files. One question I have, is it impossible to change which firing sounds go with which unit/defense struct.? I ask because in the mod I am making I have a few changes to make, not to the sounds themselves, but to which sound goes with which unit. An example, the Harkonnen gun turret uses the same sound as the assault tank. I wish to make it use the sound of the Harkonnen ADP firing instead, but cannot for the life of me figure out how this can be accomplished without making the assault tank sound like the ADP as well. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. - Jason
  9. harkahn

    Fremen and Houses

    You are of course right, Mahdi, but I was thinking more like before Kynes, and though they were united in their cause and did not war on eachother, they were still seperated by their own tribal lines, which is why Stilgar talks about that stuff in the original book... about the different sietches and even a council of the naibs from all the other tribes. Thats all I was talking about. - Jason. :)
  10. harkahn

    Fremen and Houses

    There was a reason the Fremen allied with House Atreides in the books: the Atreides were honorable, just, intelligent, strong and were ideologically similar to the Fremen. There never was a great Fremen body, it was always individual and sovreign tribes. They had councils, talks, even wars between eachother, and each tribe could take care of their own and make their own decisions. Before the Baron's attack in the books, the Fremen were already thinking of allying with the Atreides. Therefore I doubt very much they would be enemies of the Atreides, nor would they be considered "traitors", those who did, and I doubt it would be isolated Fremen, but instead it would be on tribe level, each tribe deciding whether or not to ally with the House Atreides. The Fremen harvested spice to pay the ever increasing Guild bribes to keep satellites away from their territory and from their slow terraforming of Dune. They were terraforming because of Kynes, the imperial planetologist, who figured out the cycle on Dune and new there was a way to make it into a paradise world. - Jason.
  11. Since some of you brought it up, Homeworld was an excpetional game, in both sales and play... though the single player was much better than the multi-player side, having an 8 person LAN game of HW was one of the most entertaining games I have ever played, even over Dune 2000, though in all fairness Dune 2000 wasn't exactly meant to be a gameplay leap. Overall if Emperor does as well as HW I think most of us will be happy... except maybe some of you chronic moaners... but we need you people too, otherwise the rest of us wouldn't know all the little mistakes in our games. ;) - Jason.
  12. I would have to go with the Devastator... I cannot help it, I guess I just like the big armored units... maybe the Minotaurus. - Jason.
  13. Yeah, im sorry man, but there are a bunch of copyright protect stuff on those disks, not too mention they are bigger disk... i do believe there is some sort of crack though I do not know where. Anyway, good luck, man.. I hope you find help. - Jason.
  14. Neither am i, but i am in to coding them. Especially this one, its great. - Jason.
  15. Hey, Captain. I was just wondering if you have any background in C++ coding or coding in general? If so, have you ever thought of modding Half-Life? I used to do it, but i had stopped fro a while. Making Epic Dune kind of got me back in the spirit and I have been coding ever since. Its really great, the engine is perfectly modifiable. If you want any more info, e-mail me at Requietum@aol.com. Talk to you later. - Jason.
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