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  1. Hard to find something as good as RRT2. If this game was easier to mod I'm sure it would be very alive. I don't like OpenTTD, but I do enjoy Locomotion. Its not as dynamic as RRT2, but its possible to have a few hours of fun. Specially if you install the mods. You can have very complex chains and the sounds are very enjoyable. Give it another try, with the Automobile industry mod, you can create such a complex chain that it will give you at least 2 hours of planning. Other games that are focuses in transportation can be Industry Giant 2. It doesn't work in Windows 7, I'm hopping to appear someday in GoG. The game is interesting and it will keep you busy. So busy that if you grow too much its unplayable. Its impossible to automatize things, so you have to take care of all details. But its interesting at least. Another option is Cities in Motion. Its public transportation not cargo, but the game have amazing graphics and a nice gameplay. Requires a lot of planning. Besides that there is not much to go on. Colossal Order, developer of Cities in Motion, is producing Cities in Motion 2. So I hope that the "tycoon" games will come back. After years of nothing we will probably see more of those games coming in (SimCity is on the way). But for transportation there is only Cities in Motion, the rest is old. Or A-Train that I don't get it. Or some projects as Train Fever (but this game is in development for years, probably won't come out any time soon).
  2. Is your mod available for testing?
  3. How nice to see this forum up and alive! My wish list contains New features: + New types of industries + More complex production chains. There is a mod for Locomotion that adds cars to it and it is complex as this: - Iron + Coal = Steel - Steel in factory = Autoparts - Rubber + Steel = Tires - Tires + Autoparts = Cars - The car factory produce left overs - Left overs go to recycle factory - Recycle factory gives you steel that can go back into the chain. There is also a remake of the Automod, that will involve 16 industries and 14 cargos in the automobile industry. I like the complex chains.
  4. Thanks Gwizz, thanks RSimpkinuk57, for the tips. I wanted to use them but I didn't succeed to get control of any of the 11 companies. They buy stock back really fast. It's a hard map indeed. I will keep trying.
  5. Seems like a very interesting map. I will play, but first I have 2 questions. Seems like you can control various companies at the same time. How can you do this, if when you get control to an AI company the AI take over your company and mess up with everything? At least with me, when I have most shares of more than 1 company, when I assume control to the AI company, they screw my main company, selling all my electric trains and buying coal trains, making a huge debt. Also change cargos and destinations, and all in less than a month. You also sad: How you manage this? If I buy 10 locos for reserve, only the maintenance costs will take me to bankruptcy.
  6. Sometimes you cannot choose. Laptops are all coming with widescreen. I particularly don't like. Thanks! ;D You really helped. I checked my video settings and I choose to not scale the resolution. Now I see the black areas, and the game looks fine! I didn't know was a video settings thing, I thought was a game problem. For those who may have the same problem, my card is NVidia and Windows 7. Go to "Control Panel" and look for "NVidia Control Panel". In the left side (find a task) look for "Monitor" and option "Adjust size and position". Mark the option "Do not scale". That's it!
  7. Hi, The classics never die. Unfortunatly our hardware always change. I've got a new computer and it has widescreen, specifically 1366x768 (16:9). I can't change RT2 resolution. Seems that the default one is 1024x768 and it's not possible to increase. Anyone having the same problem? Maybe it's possible to change by command line, or some parameter? The graphics appear stretched, so the gameplay are not nice as usual.
  8. I also have the same problem. I hope it's something easy to fix it. Keep us updated!
  9. Thanks again. I read that a caboose can decrease breakdowns by 25% and robberies by 75%. But when my train is full, I still need a caboose? And what is the reason for that? I mean, in reality. Why a train cannot run without any weight?
  10. Thanks for the tips. Just one more question: there is a maximum cargo that a train can carry? Is it a problem to put a train with 6 loads of iron, for example? How can I know the maximum cargo to carry for each train?
  11. Hi Gwizz, What is the point of deliver logs to the mill in a red flag? It will sell all loads anyway, right?
  12. Hi thomasjordan, Thank you very much for the quickly reply. The red flags will be much more useful if we could use to control the demand. They are paying almost anything for my lumber, cause there is a lot. And for the train go back to the logs, it pass through the city 2, so waste of fuel if I put 2 trains.
  13. Hi fellows, I have some questions: 1. The mail: seems that if I don't deliver they stop send mail to the station, and if I deliver they increase the amount of mail. Is that true? If the mail is always late, the demand/offer decrease? 2. An industry have a demand. I can see this demand on the station screen. For example, a Paper industry have a demand of 4 loads of pulpwood. I know that if I deliver more than 4 loads, it will produce more than 4 loads of paper. I can deliver 100 and it will produce 100 of loads of paper, almost instantaneously. But what about the profit of the industry? I reach $73.000 of profit in my paper industry, then I double the amount of pulpwood, and of course the deliver of paper, and the profit was still the same. There is like the best amount of loads that an industry can process to reach the maximum profit? 3. When I build in my stations things like a Hotel, a maintenance house, there are costs for that? I mean, costs to maintain those buildings. Because after a while I have money to put a maintenance house on all my stations, even if I don't need it. But because I have money, I already build with the maintenance house, just to don't have to worry about it. My costs (monthly, yearly) will increase or I just pay the cost of the hotel, or the maintenance house? 4. I have the following route (all with 6 loads) LOGS - LUMBER - CITY 1 - CITY 2 One city requires 4 loads of lumber. I want that when the train deliver to the city 1, it will deliver 4 loads, and the rest 2 will deliver to city 2. I put red flags all over the route, and still, the train is always empty when it goes to city 2. Thanks! Using RT2 Gold Edition 1.54c
  14. Thanks for the tip Gwizz. I use some mathematical signs to create an event that will play every 10 years, doesn't matter the date. Now I made what I want, and I tested all the events. Here is the final map with all the events. This events changed the dynamic of the game. They are not isolated events; some of them happen every decade, and you can use it to increase the revenue. The goodwill now have more importance on the game. You can only make a promotion when you already have a good goodwill. You can also choose between bad and good side. You can do things like marketing, or deal with the mob. More jobs you accept from mob, more different types of jobs they will offer, and more risk you will have to hurt your goodwill. You can harm or help the competitors. I hope you enjoy!
  15. Thanks for the tip Gwizz. I use some mathematical signs to create an event that will play every 10 years, doesn't matter the date. Now I made what I want, and I tested all the events. Here is the final map with all the events. This events changed the dynamic of the game. They are not isolated events; some of them happen every decade, and you can use it to increase the revenue. The goodwill now have more importance on the game. You can only make a promotion when you already have a good goodwill. You can also choose between bad and good side. You can do things like marketing, or deal with the mob. More jobs you accept from mob, more different types of jobs they will offer, and more risk you will have to hurt your goodwill. You can harm or help the competitors. I hope you enjoy! Guide_of_Events.pdf AA_Events.mp2.zip
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