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Everything posted by Lefty

  1. Stick with RRT2 as long as you can. I found RRT3 a bit dissapointing. It required a better video card than recommended, & still would crash too often for my liking. Folks are still making new RRT2 maps regularly, and this "fewest trains possible" concept shows that the fan support and game possibilities will last for a long time.
  2. On my plat game it read "2 additional hours of blues music". That's what attracted me to the game in the first place. Who knew it be such a great game!
  3. Click on the engine in the bottom center of the screen to select trains in the center list box. On the left side of this box you will see a small symbol. If your train is allready stopped, you should see a small stop sign. Click on this to select that train's priority. They are: Express (green xmas tree)
  4. Ah ha! That was the problem. I went back & selected no compression. (small map) Then a window popped up allowing me to selet the file type. (bin) Thanx!
  5. I gave this a try, and got a map downloaded, but couldn't get GeoVu to work properly. Once I select a map to load, it askes what format to open it in. I've tried them all, but no go. I noticed that your example shows the map file saved as a bin, not a tgz. Could this be my problem? Or is there a patch for XP that I missed? This seems like an old program. Thanks.
  6. Hmm....I just finished this one (on hard setting) and it seemed easier that most. To start, I ran track from Vienna to Bratislava. You don't need access rights, just put a large station on the border. Next I expanded to St. Polen. Then I ran a line from Linz to Salzburg to drum up some $$. The only area of concern was the $30M personal wealth. I was 2 years from the end with only $20M. All it took was buying heavily on margin, & voila. Hope this helps.
  7. I just finished playing this one. Love the extra ground elevation. It seems more real. When I saw that I was up against 14 other players, I chickened out & went for medium difficulty. Still, won gold with a 143% difficulty. Thanx 4 the map!
  8. Hi all. Great forum! I'm one of the "loved RRT2 Plat so much that I bought RRT3, but went back to RRT2 plat" players. After playing for a few years I finally took a stab at a campaign, & kicked some serious tycoon butt, winning gold in all but 3 senarios, on expert. (of course it helps to have the strategy guide) I've been poking around this forum for over a year, and read every post. It's nice to see some action in this forum after being so quiet all winter. It would seem from the number of viewing hits that the posts get that there are a few other lurkers out there! Thanks for all the great tips & new maps.
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