Hi, sorry if this has been asked already or in FAQ somewhere. I've just played Harkonnen campaign. Two last missions have very low building limit, how do I increase that? What, where should I look and edit?
Thing is, on original dune II, i used to build huge bases with gazzilion turrets. Fortresses to withstand waves of enemies, I don't remember hitting any limits. Same with units. I used to have rows of rocket launchers defended by rows of siege tanks, the only limit was my patience micromanaging the lot. My tactics was go inch by inch, steamrolling everything in my path.
Anyway, today, with these limits I overbuilt non essential stuff, got hit by several missiles hard, rebuilt again, scrubbed spice clean off the map, now I'm in limbo. No units to attack properly, no credits to repair damaged buildings.
I'l have to write off several hours of gameplay and start again, this time with 12 (not really, some more, but...,) building limit in mind. I would love to increase that limit, I know this is probably cheating, but to each his own. Thanks.
Edit: Found the setting I want in "src/pool/pool_structure.h", recompiled the executable and got it working with increased building limit.