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Everything posted by UlfSun

  1. I've played this several times, even if it was a few years ago now. I've won the gold on expert and hard with 4-6 competitors and the strategy has always been to start in NYC, building to Tampa to get 4 millions in bonus and then head west (mostly down south, e.g., via Houston). If there are complementing industries in NYC and LA, or at least some industries that produces consumer goods in both of them, a substantial part of the required loads could be freight (as usual, I favor an industrial strategy), as supply is not that dependent on the economic cycles, and there is no risk for robberies.
  2. During the Christmas holidays I played through the old campaign, and this is one of the more difficult scenarios. I think I needed to try at least 3-4 times before succeeding with gold. This time I was quite focused on pax, but I know I have won this before with an industrial focus. One of the possible problems with a passenger focused approach is that demand will drop if you haul too much to the same cities. Therefore, it is necessary not only to expand the network, you also have to set up the traffic so that you don't make demand drop in the main cities. This is one of the few scenarios where I actually do some micro management. The problem when focusing on freight and industries is that the the main lines will be congested, and traffic will slow down. Also, if economy goes down during the end of the game, it's hard to have the gold victory.
  3. I remember using the free electrification a few times when I had a real hard time winning some scenario. I regarded it as cheating, but this "cheating" was just some sort of "practicing" for winning in a coreect way. (When you are "cheating" when you play by yourself for your own ammusement, one can really wonder *who* you are cheating) Laying track one-by-one, I also used some times (not the version with holes to be filled), for example in the Indian scenario on the classic campaign where it could be hard to reach Bombay otherwise, and have money left for buying a train). Another track-laying cheat can be used in the English WWII-scenario on the TNC Campaign: it then is possible to upgrade to double track (at a cost, but money isn't the problem in this scenario) even though there are severe restrictions on laying new track. /Ulf S
  4. I don't remember the exact winning conditions, but is it a combination of CBV, PNW and total number of hauled loads? Anyway, I agree that Wienna-Bratislava is the natural starting position, and then building westward (Linz, Salzburg, and later continue into Germany and Czekoslovakia). PNW may be a problem, I I think that there might be time for a short "stop-the-trains" after a few years if the economy slows down. Then you could buy a large part of your company. Passengers are a bit unreliable in this (and other modern age scenarios), so be sure to have a solid base in cargo, and full industrial chains. /Ulf Sundin
  5. I'm just curious if you had any success with the scenario?
  6. I haven't played this for a long time, and it is a hard one. First, I think there is a bug in the win conditions (I think that it checks for 12M in industry investments, rather than profits. Anyway, I found that starting as a stock exchange wizard is the best for this scenario. Don't start any company, but just invest in the others (there is usually at least one of the other companies that do really well). Then, after a few years of aggressive investments, start selling out your holdings in the other companies. If you succeed, you will have maybe $4M to start with, and then you can afford to build a large and profitable network. I slight variation is to actually start a small company, only to secure that no-one "steals" the Madrid area (I have not seen this happening, though) and to start collecting chemicals. Do your stock exchage wizardry, and then start a new company (and buy your small company). Heavy expansion is the key, then. As connected track is not a requirement, you could build small networks serving industries. Passengers don't pay that well, except for fast long hauls. North Africa (Egypt, Libya) is relatively flat, and have both population centres and industrial opportunities. You may need to boost your PNW by buying back stock, and a recession the last few years may be fatal.
  7. As loco_motive writes, the standard gold winning strategy for this one is to go for passengers. As the "industrialist" I am, I would also suggest a freight/industry-strategy. I have won gold (on hard) several times using this strategy, even if it probably is slightly harder than the passenger oriented strategy. Industrial profits alone could amount to over 4 mill per year. The main problem with this strategy is that it tend to clog up the lines with all the freigh trains.
  8. I fully agree. The important thing is to have fun. But as I really like to brag about my gold medals, I usually try to play the games within some limitations. Bragging rights are important. Free electric track I consider a cheat (and it's so booooooooring to use it). The same goes for saving before March/September and reload if the economy goes down. Stitching I seldom use, and I quite clumsy using it. When it comes to stock market tricks I have no restrictions whatsoever...
  9. Right, I'm the original Ulf . It's fun that there still are some fans of the game left. Haven't played much after the holidays. Too much work (and the little gaming time a have have been spent on testing Civ IV) /Ulf
  10. Ok, I have now won it on expert level. Realized that oil can be a very lucrative business on this map.
  11. Though I haven't reached a gold on expert level (yet), I also have some hints to share on this one. I agree with the "start electric - stay electric" tactic. Starting with Chicago-Detroit has only one advantage: you block the competitor from these cities. But as starting with that long distance, you will only afford one engine and have time with a one way trip during the first year. Thus, you may not have a credit rating allowing for more bonds to be issued next year. In my opinion it is better to start with some medium length connections (Cleveland - Columbus - Cincinnati is one of my favourite starts) to genereate more income the first year. Then issue more bonds and expand further (and buy one or two GG1:s). The demand for food increases rather quickly, so after a few years you should have at least one food chain running, and the next freight lines could be lumber or goods (or both) depending on were you expand. As steel is a bit complicated wait with that until you have both coal and iron close to your regular line and can afford buying the steel mill. Aluminum may be a good choice if you're in the Memphis area. There is also a lot to gain on assigning the right manager in this game.
  12. Well, this is an old thread, but as I played this game last night (I'm currently working my way through the original campaign just to get my chops back) I could contribute with some hints: 1. You don't have to use the track and buildings you are given at start-up. If you don't have access to a Tool&Die, or if the population int the cities in the neighborhood is to low, go directly to the more densly populated areas (for example around Sidney). Build track connected to the competitor track and put large stations in Sidney and Newcastle. 2. Get into freight as soon as possible. Income from passengers will decline, and are sensitive to the economical climate. When you've run passengers for a year or two, expand to resources nearby to build get some freight going (there should be possible to have som full circle rounds (iron&coal->steel->goods->city and chemicals -> fertilizer -> grain -> (cattle) -> food -> city). If you do utilize the track given at start-up, you should run wool->goods->city and bauxite->aluminum->goods->city. 3. Expand quickly and buy up lucrative industries to ensure good profits even when the economy goes sour. 4. Deliver to cities served by your competitors by placing stations close to their stations. Yesterday I reached the gold (on hard) in 1964 in the first year of a recession. I never touched the track given at start-up.
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