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Steve Lorenz

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  1. Steve Lorenz

    SRL China


    Goal: The exotic far east has drawn you to China's land of riches. Author's Comments: I've made some improvements in this map from Pop Top.
  2. Steve Lorenz



    Goal: The exotic far east has drawn you to China's land of riches. Author's Comments: I updated the old China map for TSC. I used some ideas for winning conditions I got from Ceebee. Makes for a pretty interesting game. Since I ended early with $66 million PNW gold in 4/1863 I figured the $40 M goals were too low so I raised them in the map that is available to $50 M.
  3. 165 downloads

    Author's Comments: Blank Map. A map I started but never did anything with.
  4. 220 downloads

    Goal: The European powers use the railroads to maintain their grip on their colonies in the Dark continent. Author's Comments: The year is 1900. The railroad has come to Africa. Develop Africa's industries and help your home country maintain control of her colonies.
  5. Version 1.2


    Goal: "The Beloved Country" Union of South Africa World War II has come to a close. The soldiers have come home. Meanwhile the railroads have been neglected. You have been chosen to modernize and expand your country's railroads. In doing so it is hoped this will transform a war econmomy into a peacetime economy. There is trouble ahead though. African nations will seek to be free of their colonial rulers. Your own country will soon have internal problems. But the trains must keep running. Author's Comments: Return to South Africa after WWII and rebuild the railroad system. If you find errors in spelling or events let me know so I can fix them.
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