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David Masters

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  1. 157 downloads

    Goal: World War II has ended. But the rebuilding in the Soviet Union has just begun. Reestablish the Trans-Siberian railway and get the raw materials of the Altai mountains into the hands of Soviet industry. Author's Comments: PopTop's scenario "trans-siberian.mp2" (adapted from campaign part #5), saved as a stand-alone scenario.
  2. David Masters



    Goal: The English Empire has dominated India. As leader of France, you need to extend French interests in India. Use the rails to gain popular support from local leaders and undermine English power by 1905! Author's Comments: Note: this was one of the original campaign maps from Railroad Tycoon II (campaign pt. 13 - "Croissants or Crumpets", #13cro~1.map) Changes: 1) removed the "CampaignChoice1To3=" and "CampaignDifficulty1To3=" events 2) removed the "IndustryInvestments" part of the goals... it just wouldn't work in a stand-alone unless you have people set up their game exactly, in the Custom section.
  3. David Masters



    Goal: Japan enters the smoggy world of industrialization in the late 1800's. Attempting to pick the best fruit of the West's industrial trees, Emperor Meiji has invited you to prove your rail building prowess. Author's Comments: Note: this was one of the original campaign maps from Railroad Tycoon II (campaign pt. 14 - "The Samurai Rides an Iron Horse", #13sam~1.map) Changes: 1) removed the "CampaignChoice1To3=" and "CampaignDifficulty1To3=" events
  4. 208 downloads

    Goal: A sliver of hope exists to unite an Africa divided by Imperial Europe. Some felt that by building a Trans-Africa railroad Africa could gain a measure of unity. Try to connect Cape Town to Cairo by 1930. Author's Comments: Note: this was one of the original campaign maps from Railroad Tycoon II ("Cape to Cairo", campaign pt. 18, #18Cap~1.map)
  5. 187 downloads

    Goal: Africa - the oceans of the world have risen and this is where you are to make a new start. Author's Comments: Scenario "Africa After the Flood.mp2" - fixes Changes: 1) starting year problem - most of the engines are disabled via the Map Options, so any starting year earlier than 1910 meant you wouldn't have an engine available for a number of years. Fixed starting date.
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