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  1. What do you mean
  2. the game plays as if theres no mod
  3. Don't worry about that and wait for my mod
  4. Um I realy need help.Realy! :O
  5. Yeah mod won't actavate when I put everything where it needs to be but.........
  6. Ths could be interesting
  7. Ok keep looking I will work on my problem.
  8. Yeah I cant figure out my problem yet.My mod won't even work on my computer because hark units are still there
  9. Has anyone got the mod i'm looking for yet?
  10. I need time to make mods
  11. Sorry! Bottom area in the rules txt to see the info
  12. Did you look at the area with the ton of info for a unit.
  13. I noticed.What is that mod anyway ??? ;D
  14. [attachment deleted by admin]
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