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  1. PJay

    Small Risk


    Goal: No description has been entered for this scenario. Author's Comments: I wanted to create a RISK kind of map. In the first year everybody gets access to all countries, but in the second year, you only get access to the countries where you were best + its neighbors. You are "best" if you haul most loads to that country. When you supply your "frontline countries" with more loads than your opponent, the frontline moves up. Because I wasn't sure how those events would work out, I created a smaller version (with only 5 countries instead of the whole world). Now I've got the events alright, but this test map is actually pretty fun to play (although a lot might depend on the maps randomization). So I decided to upload it here. Try to play this one @ expert level, and try to disable your opponents as fast as possible (lock them out of every country). I think this would make a good map for a quick multiplayer game too.
  2. I've seen it ;D I remember asking dev_dan or phil_stein about it when we were in Coast-to-coast beta-testing, but I didn't get a straight answer from them. Probably a leftover from an internal test to see if they could use the RT3 engine for a wargame (Shattered Union).
  3. Phil Steinmeyer praises RT2 (what a surprise) and puts about 3 links to the terminal on his blog here: http://www.philsteinmeyer.com/55/the-missing-railroad-tycoon-2-map/
  4. What does this [attachment archived by Gobalopper] mean? Can I still find those attachments somewhere ?
  5. hey, I wanted to create a RISK kind of map. In the first year everybody gets acces to all countries, but in the second year, you only get acces to the countries where you were best + its neighbours. You are "best" if you haul most loads to that country. When you supply your "frontline countries" with more loads than your opponent, the frontline moves up. Because I wasn't sure how those events would work out, I created a smaller version (with only 5 countries instead of the whole world). Now I've got the events allright, but this test map is actually pretty fun to play (although a lot might depend on the maps randomization). So I decided to upload it here. Try to play this one @ expert level, and try to disable your oponents as fast as possible (lock them out of every country). I think this would make a good map for a quick multipalyer game too. If you find any problems, please report them here. Thank you and have fun. PJay[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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