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Maps based in other locations.

6 files

  1. See forum for information and description of this map.
    163 0
  2. Goal: In a country dominated by agriculture and forestry, bring prosperity by opening the land to commerce. Build rail lines from ports and landings to remote villages, and provide them with regular and reliable service.
    Author's Comments: The "Dominion of the Grey Coast and the Grand River" has been a settler colony for centuries. The local population grows crops and raises livestock for export down the Grand River, or over the Grey Ocean. Now, the mother country has given the Dominion some independence. The new local government, recently elected by the settlers, has great plans for this area. It envisions broadening the economic base of the country by developing industry and infrastructure. Currently, away from the rivers and the coast, goods are hauled over worn-out country roads, and some villages are not even reached by this patchy network of public highways.
    As a local merchant who earned his fortune by exporting coffee and grain, you have been able to convince the government to charter a company that will take on the great tasks at hand. With your initial capital, you plan to build an enterprise that will organize production and distribution across the Dominion. As a public-spirited person, you measure your success by the progress made in lifting up your country into the ranks of industrialized nations.
    Can you live up to your high expectations?
    199 0
  3. Goal: To take the gold in this scenario you will need a Company Book Value of $150,000,000 or a Personal Net Worth of $70,000,000.
    Author's Comments: This is a 2 player battle map based around an island region
    Map Features:
    No trees for improved multiplayer performance and stability.
    No secondary industries, players place these themselves
    Reduced bridge building costs
    Increased factory production
    Restricted Territories
    150 0
  4. See forum for information and description of this map.
    145 0
  5. See forum for information and description of this map.
    149 0
  6. Goal: No description has been entered for this scenario.
    Author's Comments: I wanted to create a RISK kind of map. In the first year everybody gets access to all countries, but in the second year, you only get access to the countries where you were best + its neighbors. You are "best" if you haul most loads to that country. When you supply your "frontline countries" with more loads than your opponent, the frontline moves up.
    Because I wasn't sure how those events would work out, I created a smaller version (with only 5 countries instead of the whole world). Now I've got the events alright, but this test map is actually pretty fun to play (although a lot might depend on the maps randomization). So I decided to upload it here.
    Try to play this one @ expert level, and try to disable your opponents as fast as possible (lock them out of every country). I think this would make a good map for a quick multiplayer game too.
    119 0

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