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  1. So, yes, I placed the 4 files you sent in the required folder, and it worked as intended. Just completed the mission 😃 Strangely, the file manager showed that the files that had been overwritten were OLDER than the "backup" ones, not newer. It would be hard now to figure out which mod/campaign initially broke the mission. Anyway, let's record that these files in data/bin solve the problem (if someone else runs into it one day). Thanks a lot!
  2. Thank you for such a detailed answer! Yes, I figured this is not how events in the mission should unfold, that is why I wrote in the first place I am using the Gruntmods' version of the game, could this be a problem? I did install some custom campaigns and missions, but only those made/rearranged by you, IIRC (like the "Battle Royale" map set, very nice one ). Definitely nothing to change the base game significantly (like totally new units etc). Ok, anyway, so this is a bug on my side. I will try the backup files. If this doesn't help, will try to reinstall the game from scratch and add only this campaign. If yet no success, then the problem would probably be in the launcher version. I will try and report my findings. Thanks again for your commitment!
  3. Hello. I'm new to the forum, but I believe this is the right thread. Just started playing some campaigns by Cm_blast, they seem fresh and entertaining. I.e. finished Fremen Warriors, everything was fine, and the same was true for Smuggling Operations 1-3. But mission 4 of this campaign is either bugged, or impossible, or I don't understand something. From the very first seconds as the map loads, a host of Emperor forces comes attacking and keeps hunting my buildings and units. This is NOT a retaliation or something (though if I manage to kill some attackers I get a warning message) - it happens before I can do literally anything. After a few retries, I came up with two ways to fulfill the initial goal. One is to sell all the buildings (so you get just enough). The other one is to send the one harvester closest to the enemy as far away as possible, then the second harvester might manage to harvest and unload 400-500 credits before getting destroyed together with the refinery. Either way, this brings us to the second objective - a couple of sloooow sonic tanks need to travel to the opposite edge of the map to demolish the wind traps, while having a never-stopping bloodthirsty horde on their tails (actively hunting my units one by one wherever on the map they are). After many, many more tries I was able to buy just enough time (by sending every single man or harvester to various remote locations, so the pursuers have to travel a lot) to destroy the damn wind traps. Was about to celebrate a really hard-earned success, when... Probably the main part of the mission pops up, with MCV and all. So by the time MCV arrives, all my structures are either sold or destroyed, all initial units are dead, I have zero credits, and an ever-growing Emperor force is coming straight at me. I do not think it is possible to micro-manage THAT squad of high-level vehicles with a few lousy infantrymen that arrived with the MCV. So at this point I totally give up. Maybe you would like to check diplomacy, AI settings, triggers or something. Thank you
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