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  1. Thx for the update campaign! The most challanging mission for me, the mission 7 & 9. Thank you for your hard work!
  2. Hi! That Autoqueue is brilliant idea! Especially when special units need to be clicked, that autoqueue really help! I really enjoy the campaign, thx for the hardwork making this campaign!
  3. hi, thank you for your hard work for making this campaign! I am already finish the campaign.. Is fun! So i wanna give some feedback. I got no crash / bug while playing this campaign, and I used a hard difficulty. But the problem is, when the our allies already have a tons of units in the base. They really blocked my units from moving. Because of tons of units, and they were just stay in the base and not attacking enemies unless got provoked/attacked. Especialy at mission 6 & 9. The allies keep getting reinforcement but just guarding the base. I hope my feedback can give you a positif vibe, cheers!
  4. Hey there ! Im already finish the campaign! Amazing campaign. But well im sad when Summer partner that.. Uh well nvm.. (I really love about the stories when playing dune 2000 hehe) You right, i got problem when S17V1. i got force out the game at S17V1, as expected, when the stealth units dominate my screen, its higher chance to force close the game.. Probably the stealth units try to engage then re-engage to repair pad? But its just my suggestions... I try mission SBON3 hard but works smoothly (but i play only 1x time hehe). SBON3, enemy stealth units doesnt had a repair pad, so i guess it doesnt make it crash the game. And btw.. Thank you for your hard work for making this campaign, i really enjoy it.
  5. Yeah, i really often saving the game. Probably, there too many stealth units? Its works like charm when the stealth units not dominate the maps. Im still playing the campaign at S14 right now. Only S07 & S08 random crashing. And those 2 missions contains a lots of stealth units
  6. Nice! I already played the campaign, but stuck at mission "S07V1: The Traitor". Idk why, in middle game, i got forced out from the game, and over and over again.. The previous mission "S06V2: Breaking the Blockade" really well, its took about 2 hours to beat it, and doesnt force me out the game. I also try at mission "SV08: Mercenary", and the result was same, its forced out again in middle of game. Is this anything wrong with my computer or what? Im already using launcher 1.3
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