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Everything posted by Domaithianus

  1. That could be it... The only mission fail trigger in that mission is if you don't have a Starport (It gets destroyed, or you sell it). If you've modded your game, it may be failing to recognise your Starport as existing...
  2. Yeah, I think you're right there. It depends on how hard you want it. Like, my Merc campaign is meant to build in difficulty, so early to mid-game, I apply the 'Can I beat it with restrictions?' test, but later missions I don't worry about that so much, just check that it's technically doable. There is a danger in going for harder is better. I feel it's important to have a mix, make some absolute hell to beat, and others, simply interesting. Like in Dawn of War, Dark Crusade and Soulstorm, I felt like the designers got lazy with the stronghold missions. They forgot to make them interesting, and just made them hard grueling work instead. They ceased to be fun, and became more of a chore.
  3. Haha, yeah, I do love a good squishfest. But it's good to hear I'm not the only one with strange in-game rituals. I've often been thinking the same way. If I can beat the mission while restricted, it should be beatable for others. Great way of testing the game balance.
  4. Hey man, I'm afraid I really can't find the problem if it's with the missions. I've play tested it on multiple PC's and it all seems to be working fine for me, and nothing looks off when I open it in the editor. Are you using the first zip upload I put on here, or the one I put on the new thread? I don't know if the problem was inadvertently fixed in one of my updates, or not, but it might help. Otherwise, maybe reinstalling would do it?
  5. OK, separate dedicated thread for my Mercenary campaign is now up. https://forum.dune2k.com/topic/27556-a-secret-plot-mercenary-campaign-by-domaithianus/
  6. OK, I think I'm now ready for the first proper release of my Mercenary Campaign. In this 9 mission campaign, played as the Mercenary's, you are hired to assist a small harvesting operation under threat. As time goes on, you gradually discover more about your new employers, and the plans they're hiding. As the war rages across the planet, your employers scramble to find private and safe locations in which to conduct their operations. But soon it seems every last corner of Arrakis is spoken for, be it the greedy Ordos, laying claim to everything they can get their hands on, arrogant Atreides, passing judgement from on high, confiscating what they regard to be contraband, or ruthless Harkonnen, reveling in the bloodshed, no dusty stone remains to hide beneath as smaller factions try to conduct their affairs. But the weak are cunning, and soon the great houses will regret making enemies of you. Initial release details: - 9 missions, all created by me, plus an option B for mission 9. Additional B missions will be released in the near future. - Plenty of base building missions, but some original C&C inspired use-the-units-your-given missions in there for variety. - AI allies to protect and assist. Quite a bit of working together with your comrades. - Follows the story of the Original Campaign, but with a twist ending. Most of the events in this story follow lesser factions, as they scramble to respond to events much bigger than themselves. This is my first foray into any kind of game design, but I'm very pleased with the results. I greatly look forward to hearing what you all think of it. V3.7z
  7. Nice man, just play testing the latest B mission, but I'd be really interested to check that out after. I am going to make a separate thread, was planning on finishing the B missions first, but that might take too long, so I'll just do another check through, iron out any glitches, or sloppy formatting I may have left, and get that thread up sometime tomorrow. Can always add the update with the B missions later.
  8. Yeah, I often speed it up for play testing too. Really, everyone's got their own way of enjoying the game. Probably if you saw me play you'd find it pretty bizarre and inefficient. Over the years due to my OCD, I've picked up numerous rituals and restrictions I always have to play by. Like my base - has to be neat, concrete exact, etc. I know full well it's not actually a very effective way to play, but it pleases me... or possibly it just bugs me not to. Also adds to the challenge. A lot harder to beat a game when I can't take the most effective route to victory.
  9. It's all about the slow groove. You don't wanna finish up too quick or - oh, yeah, the game... <_< >_> I play at normal speed. Too fast and you loose a lot of control of your units. I also tend to see it as I'm playing to enjoy myself, not to get it over as fast as possible.
  10. The main difference is 9b starts out a little gentler, but builds up into a harder overall mission.
  11. This should be very useful, I've been using the switch house debug tool to spy, but that would be much better. 9a and 9b are different options for the same mission. Eventually I plan to add b missions to more of the campaign (once that's done, I'll probably create a separate dedicated thread for the campaign). Really looking forward to hearing what you think. Is it a run through of a new one, or checking and updating an old one?
  12. Ahh, I'd assumed the time limit would cause the mission to end or something when it ran out. So far I've played some of the War of Assassins missions - looks very cool. For reference I've mostly been using Original Campaign missions so as not to spoil missions I haven't played - so I don't know what's coming etc. My missions would have sucked without referencing though, and I expect there's a lot I could learn from your missions that aren't in the Original Campaign. Deffinitely agree there. A lot of the time what's on the map is enough. You start putting too many events in it can get messy. 9a and 9b in my Merc campaign are very light on the events. Just massive, terrifying bases.
  13. This seems to be working perfectly now! This is what I was working on... ACo2.zip
  14. That did it! That's a massive relief, thank you.
  15. They're regular, non st Fremen, I had noticed building previous missions, st Fremen AI can get very annoying. They need to be visible for the enemy blockade to work properly anyway though. I've increased max groups to five, set attack groups to zero, but have yet to try the guard group size above 300... I'll give that a try, thank you.
  16. Yeah, they're 'free' unit spawn at the moment, that arrive 20 minutes in (the player has to clear the way in that time). The 'base' consists of 1 Outpost, 1 Wind Trap and 1 Seitch, so they can't build to fill up. But I'll check guardgroupsize, which is... 100. Also, the units that are already there are a separate, turned off AI... At the moment, it seems pretty random as to whether they move or not.
  17. Also, a mission I'm working on at the moment, I need to persuade the AI to try to move a set of units that spawn on one side of the map to their base on the other side (the objective is to make sure they get back safely). I'm having trouble persuading it to consistently move them. Has anyone found solutions to similar problems?
  18. Yeah, the Gruntmods download came with the mission launcher. I only meant a second installation for mods that change the rules etc.
  19. Thanks for the recommendations. Currently I'm using the Gruntmods download, seems to be good for compatibility (though for editing, I'm using the separate D2k Editor, as it seems to be a little more up to date than the one that comes with Gruntmods). I was thinking of installing a separate Dune2000 install for specific mods to avoid my original install getting messy.
  20. May be an idea. My main concern is I don't wanna make this one too hard, as it's meant to be something of a warm-up mission. Though stronger reinforcements could compensate for that anyway.
  21. I've also got an Atreides Covert Ops campaign that's mostly in the conceptual stages. Very much minimal base building, careful navigating of much more powerful enemy bases with small strike forces. It'll be a while before that one's ready, but if anyone's interested in a taster... ACo1.zip
  22. :- P Sorry 'bout that. Here's the zip. MercCampaign.zip
  23. Haha, I can do that. I was thinking of doing that originally, but storylinewise, I think I'm going to have to split from different missions Very similar story with me. My brother got hold of Dune2 after we'd been playing a promotional demo of C&C. It was exciting, 'cause this was a complete RTS this time. The aesthetic just stuck with me, and my head practically exploded when Dune2000 came out. After that I read the book (though I was way too young for it at the time), and re-read it a few years later. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I'm looking forward to playing the other fan made campaigns and missions - mostly just a question of where to start :- P _MS1.MIS _MS2.MIS _MS3.MIS _MS4.MIS _MS5.MIS _MS6.MIS _MS7.MIS _MS8.MIS _MS9.MIS _MS9B.MIS MS1.ini MS1.map MS2.ini MS2.map MS3.ini MS3.map MS4.ini MS4.map MS5.ini MS5.map MS6.ini MS6.map MS7.ini MS7.map MS8.ini MS8.map MS9.ini MS9.map MS9B.ini MS9B.map
  24. Hello, Dune2000 has always been one of my favourite games. Though objectively, I recognise that it's far from the best game I've ever played, I've always been irrationally fond of it - most likely a combination of when I first played it, the setting, and the aesthetic of the game. That being said I'm very new to this forum. I've always had a bit of obsession with the Mercenaries (looks like I'm not alone in that), so naturally, I had to create my own take on a Mercenary campaign. It's my first foray into any kind of game design, and I'm quite pleased with the results. I hope to do more fancy stuff eventually - stranger missions, interesting objectives - as I gain experience. That being said, I've still worked hard to keep things interesting in this one. Plenty of straight up base building missions, but also a bit of original C&C inspired use the units you have missions in there too. It's currently a 9 mission campaign of moderate difficulty - intended for experienced players, but I'm working on a few option B versions for some of the missions too. I tried to follow the original story-line for the most part, but with a twist ending. The events are mostly happening in the background of the war, as lesser factions respond to events much bigger than themselves. Mostly I was wondering if there would be significant interest in playing my own little contribution here, or whether there are already enough Mercenary campaigns floating around as it is.
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