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  1. ya emporers cool if i had had a computer to play it one but right now all i can play is dune2000 and i need to make them infantry more powerful (by making em un-squishible)
  2. personnally i find the infantry in most westwood games enarly useless and i was wondering how to change the dune2k infantry to not being squishible? i found a mod but it messed up some other stuff at the same time so i wanna change it myself.
  3. does dune 2000 work on windows 2000? or will i need some kind of patch or maybe a older system :(
  4. but still whos goign to take the time in a big battle to position his fremen on the edges? not many.
  5. i sold earth 2150 long ago not worth the shelf space 8)
  6. i love them both i generally use harkonnan and with there lack of snipers fremen are good to help replace them and squads of sauduakars are great especially as raiding units there so fast for infantry and the elites do good damage to vehicles so a good sized group of them can take down lone untis aswell as unguarded harvesters also they are resistent to sniper bullets.
  7. argh i just got into this game and now i here this???!?!?!? :'( i bought it a week after it came out played it for 2 days and never touched it again tell i lent it to a friend of mine got it bakc after about 2 months (he never even remembered he ahd it installed and i forgot he had it) and just yesterday i decided i was borde stiff of warcaft 3 and americasa army for now and wanted to try some of my old games so i installed civilization 3 and after getting wiped 3 times installed emporer and MAN IS IT GOOD I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT IT!! and now theres barely a game on on westwood to play and its seems to have been totally forgoten even through its away better than c&c, red alert 2 or dune2k (all of witch i still see in stores regualrely)its to bad sutch a good game could be totally passed off by the public and die so quick.
  8. I dont care whos really noble or not i like the harkonnan because they have lotsa brute force.
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