its phil :) is i me or does no one post stuff any more well its as if dune has gone dead but no i well not stop playing it tell my last breath for me this is my life my sdul LONG LIVE THE DUKE!!!!!
if yuo r playing practice with a bunch of anthors on a small map youll get wiped out (its me a new member bakomusha my computer is messed up so some times ill be posting as my brother philsk8thrill ill put bako musha at the bottem of the message ween its me
hey i know ps is dead and ps2 is all the rage but i want to know is there going to be more dune games for ps like dune 3000 lol and if not how about any for ps2 ;D
i didnt say i never use them and for the retard ai i only use this, now when i do link game with ps i dont use that i use somethang way differnt but i ant going to tell u cuz u called me a newbie and i have been playing it since it first came out on saga ;D
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