lol ken i think u are right gob have to do anything as fast as possible. but sometimes i like to read navaros posts: u have to introduce navaros is fighting a bc game and now there is somebody who beats him-----> CHEATER....QUITTER.....and stuff it makes me funny all the time. i dont have the luck to play aggainst him because i play at other times. i dont have ever seen cyrenius in games. to bad i would really try it .....
last week i cant enter dune2k homepage i dont know why. sometimes its the same with emperor i cant lock in but my buddys are in game..... i cant understand ---> anybody can help me?
u and ur partner lost aggainst toge30 and me at last u accused us to cheat.........grrrr be carefull with accusing watch the game and u will see that some people are simply better with 5k in start. u build trikes full of time and me builds kindjal and sniper and raff later i build more sniper and more kindjal. i dont have build one other unit. i hope u use your mind next time berfore accusing!!!!
welcome to emperor online i agree with timenn come into game and u lern a lot of strategy u dont lern aggainst AI keep the power and u will have really fun
to navaros: mostly i play atreides and i cant rush with atreides. it wasnt a qm. it was only a normal fight because i dont play for points --> i play just for fun
it was a nice fight for ca 15 minutes i devendet all his attacks and at the end i started my first an last attack. i blowed him back to his base and then he quitted game..... i think if u play a strong fight u have to stay to the end.
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