Hey, Guess wut. I'm new too. The only problem is that I have a 56k modem so that kinda rules me out for clan battles ;) The one thing I don't like about the tournament play is that I'm always put against people ranked like 200 and higher. I've played like 10 games and lost them all, but oh well. I guess thats part of the learning process. The only game I managed to win was against a guy that used that guild strat by beaming all those tanks in. Fortunetly I had just gotten done reading emprworm's strategy guide. That guide helped a lot but I still get my butt kicked ;) So anyways to my point, was just wondering if someone would be willing to go head to head on a regular basis so that I can sharpen my......skills ::) I really think this game could be popular but there's it's just too complicated for some people(that's most likely the reason why i'm getting nailed). And I'm sure over practice I will be able to love this game even more then I do already :D Oh how I love those graphics:D