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Everything posted by swago

  1. It's been my experience(at least in lan games) that the "host" can be dropped and the game will successfully continue with the rest of the players still playing each other.
  2. :D actually at the time i was ranked like 1000 due to my multiple loses. I think what happened was that there wasn't many people online and so I was put against the only people that were....
  3. It's really too bad that Emperor is so rigid on how people connect to each other. It would've been nice to have been able to server's outside of WOL since they're obviously brushing it under the carpet. It really can be a great game. As far as rushing goes, that's really just part of the game. Any good players should be able to defend themselves against it. The only problem arises when you get new players that come into the game and then r whiped out in 5 minutes.....It's kinda discuraging.
  4. Hey, Guess wut. I'm new too. The only problem is that I have a 56k modem so that kinda rules me out for clan battles ;) The one thing I don't like about the tournament play is that I'm always put against people ranked like 200 and higher. I've played like 10 games and lost them all, but oh well. I guess thats part of the learning process. The only game I managed to win was against a guy that used that guild strat by beaming all those tanks in. Fortunetly I had just gotten done reading emprworm's strategy guide. That guide helped a lot but I still get my butt kicked ;) So anyways to my point, was just wondering if someone would be willing to go head to head on a regular basis so that I can sharpen my......skills ::) I really think this game could be popular but there's it's just too complicated for some people(that's most likely the reason why i'm getting nailed). And I'm sure over practice I will be able to love this game even more then I do already :D Oh how I love those graphics:D
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