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Everything posted by wbtigger

  1. Thank you. So is there any truth to my assumption that the host computer does not get dropped? Have any of you been the host and been dropped (not quit) and the others kept on playing?
  2. The reason I bought this game in the first place is - I have nephew that is battling cancer. He is doing Kimo daily now. He gets board and asked me if I'd play some with him. If the games get to long he gets tired and needs to quit - but we have fun. We used to play a lot of Command and Conquer and Warcraft II and he had Emperor - so I bought in. I talked my other friend that used to play with us into purchasing also and we been trying to get up to speed. Anyway... my nephew's machine and connection is the slowest out of the 3 of us. QUESTION! - should he be the host? He seems to get dropped alot. I'm wondering if he hosts will he not get dropped and the rest of us play at his speed?
  3. "it could also be your connection" I'm wondering on that point also. I did have all my screen resolutions and sounds turned up and I'm learning it is good to turn them down to play on the 'net. I'm playing with a dial-up 56K that connects at ~48k and my friend has a cable modem.
  4. Thank you Timemn! Some how I missed the fact you had answered in the other tread. I am new to message boards. I'm sorry for "being stupid". I just got little frustrated trying to figure out where to post. I kept getting "Guest posting has been disabled. Please login or create a new account." and I was logged in. On question #2 my friend and I waited a good 4 or 5 mins each time before just aborting - I never did see a continue. We will try again with more patience.
  5. Thank you frosco. It's probably in the manual somewhere but I missed it. Any ideas on question #2? We aborted and played the same game 3 times and couldn't get past the 1st senerio... I'm wondering if it's because I didn't give a unit to my partner?
  6. I have posted this question in "Strategy Vault / Emperor General Strategy" and “General discussion / General” but no one has offered help. Please help me out here... I purchased Emperor two weeks ago. I really like the game. 2 questions: #1 How do you give a unit to another player when you are playing the coop option? #2 When a friend and I tried the coop option we couldn't get past the first scenario. I would start with a full set up and he would come in as reinforcements? I would wipe out the enemy and the review screen would give statistics and say "waiting for partner" or something like that along with an "abort" option - his screen would have statistics and would only have the "abort" option. What did we do wrong or what are we supposed to do to get to the next scenario? thank you for replying!
  7. I purchased Emperor two weeks ago. I really like the game. ;D 2 questions: #1 How do you give a unit to another player when you are playing the coop option? #2 When a friend and I tried the coop option we couldn't get past the first scenario. I would start with a full set up and he would come in as reinforcements? I would wipe out the enemy and my screen would say "waiting for partner" or something like that - his screen would only have the "abort" option. What did we do wrong or what are we supposed to do to get to the next scenario? thank you for replying!
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