I've only read the first book so far, but this is what I think: I like the idea with the House Imperial Atreides, Corrino, and Ixian Confederacy, though to leave the Ordos and Harkonnen out of the fray wouldn't be too good for the game's storyline and would leave some gaps in dune2k's continuation and take out some of our favorite units- fo example, even though House Corrino has a lot of similar technology to the Harkonnen, only the Harkonnen possess the Death Hand, as with the Ordos,who, not the Ixians, have the Saboteur and (if they include this unit outside of multiplayer in Dune3k), Stealth Raiders. So, this is what I can imagine happen with the Ixians, Corrinos, and Imperial Atreides(Based on the idea, like in the books, Paul Atreides takes over Dune and the jihad will happen, but going towards the continuing themes presented in Dune2k, the game): -House Ordos, after suffering a costly defeat and in financial debt to the Ixians for technology, joins the Ixian confederacy in their attempt to take Dune for its riches, which they had planned all along. Before hand, in Dune2k, they just allowed the Ordos to test their high-tech equipment for them. The Ordos, with what's left of their own military forces, mixed with mercenary help and with the addition of more exotic Ixian technology, makes a lethal force threatning the Imperial Atreides and anyone else in their way. -House Corrino, now ousted from power on Dune, seeks revenge against the Imperial Atreides, and to reclaim the throne, as does the Harkonnen. Alone, both sides' weakened forces would not be enough to succeed.The Baron and Former Emperor both realize this, and with their mix of shared/exclusive weapons, an extremely shaky Corrino-Hark alliance is forged, only being held together by the mutual need for revenge and hope of improved military odds. - House Imperial Atreides, aware of the intervention of the technologically-advanced Ixians and their partners, the Ordos/Mercenaries, and the incoming assault of an enraged Corrino-Hark force, prepare their forces and their allies, the Fremen, for war, in order to stay in rule of Dune, and to inevitably allow the bloody jihad to take its course. For those who've read the other books, I wouldn't doubt if you may find something astray with my ideas here, but after reading the first Dune book and playing Dune2 and Dune2k, this justs sounds possible to me. SW00 out.