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Everything posted by Annaracl

  1. When you destroy the emperor worm, the moive of the emperor worm rubble shows some red eyes :O.Is there going to be anothor expanshion ??? ??? ???
  2. On caladan they have eagles hovering and yaks are seen in the first stage of harkonnen.There are three kind of yak,yak,yak hauder,and yak rider(you see yak rider in a stage of harkonnen where you have to kill the civillians. ;D ::) :'(
  3. If your Ordos build lots of pop up turrets and when they teleport in the pop ups wiil destroy them in two shots ;D
  4. I have allied whith the Tleilaxu with the ordos to the very end until the emperor worm. >:( :O :O :'(
  5. Well You know that if there in the way you can destroy them! ::) ::) ::) ::).Same thing as the plane just shoot the body.I forgot to include that.
  6. Ok.This is one realistic feature.When units(as in people) die,there bodys stay there.Why,in Emperor they die and dissapear.Emperor should have the bodys lying dead not just dissapear :'(And also planes.When they are destroyed,peices of it should fall on the ground,if they hit sand the peice of aircraft stays and if it hits rock or a building,it destroys itself on rock and damages building.the peice of plane on sandcan be destroyed if in the way(if its your aircraft that was destroyed and landed on sand,you have to force fire onthe peice of plane).Oh and a person should jump out of the plane when the plane is destroyed. ::) ::) ::) ::) ;D
  7. How about when people die there body stays liying dead.For this Tleilaxu get the corps collector tank.The corps collector carrys about 5 courps and dumps them in the flesh vat for more solaris. ;D
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