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Everything posted by burzmali

  1. Regarding the siege tank problem, I think what you need to do is get into the objectsets.txt file in AI0001.RFH, and add the unit name into the section marked: OBJECTSET Name=AllRangeWeapons This section seems to mark out all the units that prefer to stand off and shoot at a distance than get in close. Not sure how you'd get it to prefer to target buildings over troops though.
  2. I've been investigating the AI0001.RFH file over the last few days, and have put my findings up on my website (http://www.btinternet.com/~mcatamneysanders/emperor/index.htm) If anyone else has tried editing this, I'd appreciate any insights you could add.
  3. well, its pretty complicated, and as far as I can see the actual decision making is coded into the game itself, but the files in AI0001.RFH seem to contain the instructions for executing strategies once the decisions are made. I've managed to get my custom units used by the AI by adding them to objectsets.txt. If anyone's interested I've posted what I've figured out so far on my website (http://www.btinternet.com/~mcatamneysanders/emperor/index.htm) and will be adding to this as I figure out more of it.
  4. There are a fair few text files which seem to be at part of the AI in some of the RFH files. I thought I'd find out if anyone had had any success changing them before I started messing with them, but I'll give it a go, and post anything I manage to figure out.
  5. Just wondering if anyone here has delved into changing the AI for computer opponents. basically, I want to get the computer to build and use new units I've created...
  6. Aha! found out why it wasn't recognising my icons. I had the TGA files in the root of the 3DDATA directory, not in a "Textures" subfolder. thanks for the help.
  7. burzmali


    Guess you could modify the stats to make the frmen bike into an extra fast scout unit.
  8. OK, I've created a new Icon (just modifying existing infantry Icon), and saved it at the same bit depth etc., but once I get into the game all I get in place of the icon is a random mess of colour. Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
  9. Thanks :)
  10. How can I add a new icon for a unit? I've gone through all the files with DuneEx, but ahven't managed to track down where they're kept.
  11. Just tried your suggestion. no luck unfortunately. Would I be able to have them arrive when a palace is built, like the harvester shows up when a refinery is built? I've tried transplanting "GetUnitWhenBuilt = Harvester" to other buildings without success; are there some other relevant lines? or does this only work with refineries?
  12. Hi. I've been lurking around here for a couple of weeks - Time to dive in I guess... I've been experimenting with editing the Rules.txt, modifying units stats etc, but what I'd like to do is to add a unique unit (which the player can only build once from the palace). I know how to add a unit, but was wondering if anyone knows of a way to keep the player from creating lots of 'em.
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