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Everything posted by swt83
I'm very excited at the prospect of Dune2 multiplayer. I can imagine it being quite popular! Will there be a text chat ability in the game? Also, if you need someone to test with, I'd be happy to assist.
Not sure what changed, but this latest version seems to run much smoother on my Mac. Great work!
Issue: - When I play on Dune2 Extended as Sardukar, my technology tree allows me to skip the Light Factory (awesome). In fact I can't even build one if I wanted to. When I play on Skirmish as Sardukar my technology is normal and requires that I build a Light Factory. For what it's worth I like the Dune2 Extended version better. Update: - On review, it looks like Dune2 Extended does not allow for the IX building, and thus no Sonic Tanks or Devastators. Since the Skirmish mode allows for these, I guess I prefer that. Issue withdrawn.
Issue: - When loading the game, I was getting an error in my Terminal saying it couldn't locate "FluidR3_GM.sf2" from the path provided in the config. The game still payed fine, and sounded fine, but I went and downloaded that file from http://musescore.org/en/handbook/soundfont and changed the path in the config. Now the error is gone, and a bunch of things sound different. I guess the "synth" option is now working when it didn't before and I never noticed. - Having downloaded some of the additional music packs, and going into the jukebox, I sometimes have multiple versions of the same song begin playing at the same time overlapping w/ each other. Also, I don't think the "rcblanke_sc55" music files work on my machine at all. The jukebox stalls for a second and moves on to a different file each time. Maybe it's bc I'm on a mac.
Issues: - Scrolling w/ mouse is choppy and gives the appearance that the game is lagged. But using the keyboard seems to be smooth. - Sometimes the music slows down and I really do think the game is lagged, but it's very minor. - Enemy turrets can sometimes fire at my Carryalls from across the board, which is bogus. Even normal non-missile turrets attack my Carryalls, which I didn't think was allowable. - Carryalls get glitched out hitting the border of the map like they are hitting a wall, kind of funny looking. - Seems like my units do not attack Worms in guard mode, but in 1.4 they did. This makes defending Harvesters difficult. - The "raise the unit cap" option doesn't seem to do anything, bc the game will lock my unit ques. The Starport is the only way around this. Questions: - Does the Windtrap really do anything? It seems like a waste of money, bc all the Turrets etc still function without power. The only thing it does is power the Radar, which isn't really worth anything tactically. - The skirmish mode maps are great. Are they being "generated" on the fly or are they pre-built? Also, the enemy always starts with a pre-built base and units. Is there any logic in the game for them to start out equal with me, having only a construction yard? As always, love this game. I bet I play it the most of anyone.
I think Thatcher was one the greatest leaders of the 20th century.
Dynasty, What do you think about putting up an empty repository on Github for us to post issues in the issue tracker? I know I encounter minor issues here and there but don't know where is best to post them.
This is great, played a bit this morning. Thanks for the bug fixes!
I installed the game on my brother's computer, which is a Windows something, and it crashed a few times. I turned off hints, but still had crashes. I have zero problems on my Mac.
I assume all the skirmish maps are all pre-generated? Pretty awesome to have that new feature, very huge. One step closer to... dare I say it... multiplayer? The UI on the extras page is awesome, don't change any of that. Perfect. This is a great product, thank you for all your hard work.
Just loaded up 1.5 -- the extras screen is awesome, great job on the UI! The compile worked like a champ, no errors. The radar-style bootup noise on the skirmish page is awesome.
Huge! Does this mean you support Mac now? Very happy to see more work being put into this awesome product.
I was able to extract the files. Thanks. My understanding is that some of these expansions allow you to play as Mercenary and such, but none of them seem to show those options in the "Play New Game" screen. Stefan's expansion does black out non-Atreidies houses though.
I am having trouble getting the necessary INI files for Super Dune 2 Classic. Every downloadable version of the game includes an executable file. Is there a URL where I can find the files necessary to add to Dune Dynasty? I have succeeded in getting the other expansions. As an aside, I just saw this image tonight. I think it's from "Dune2: The Maker". Somehow all the units are in 3D, which is pretty amazing.
Dynasty, Do you have any additional features that you intend to add to the game? I'm new to the scene, but it looks like your version is the best available.
Additional UI improvements that would be awesome: When units are targeted to be destroyed, they blink once to indicate successful targeting. It would be nice if buildings also blinked once. When units are instructed to move to a certain location, there is no visual indication the the command registered. It would be nice if the cursor animated in some way to indicate that the move to command was received. Units are stupid and will attack enemy units even at the expense of friendly buildings in the way. So they will destroy their own structures. They should automatically route themselves around structures. The guard command only works with a very small radius, so it's largely ineffective. This radius should be increased significantly so units can defend an area in a useful way. Also, "guard" should be the default status of a unit, not a command that has to be specifically given. This behavior would pave the way for the area-attack command (hitting A and clicking on the ground between enemy units) because units could just move there and go into guard mode. Also note that the links to files as hosted on http://dune2k.com/ do not work because of a PHP deprecation error.
Please add a multiplayer and/or AI skirmishes component to the game. It would be awesome.