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Everything posted by KaiserKW

  1. KaiserKW


    if you know how to compatabuility to 32 bits its fine, but i dotn see that option
  2. maybe one of yer or his game/install-disc is too damaged while installing, so the files of the game are corrupted/bad? even little errors not seen during installation can corrupt the game
  3. KaiserKW


    oopsy.. i just tried to install dune 2000 but its struggling with my 64bit system. doesnt work. too bad, now i must find an older system
  4. KaiserKW


    im interrested. but can i use my emperor: bfd westwood internet components?, cant have 2 at once the other would install over the first installed components.. by that i cant play emperor online if dune 2000 inet components must be installed..
  5. i still have the original cd, could install it. and play online, but can i use my emperors battle for dune westwood internet components?
  6. update game to 1.09 then by compability options program run as administrator. hope this helps, i also have win 7 64-bits but it tis a PRO-edition., i also play coop-champaign with someone and no crashes, only 2 or 3 disconnections in time to time..
  7. The point was/is their both old games, but the one has 200 persons a day playing online, while te other almost no one plays, just here and there some players on hamachi. So its up to the players of the games themselves to keep it alive. or not.
  8. Wol is now xwis, thus, same ip. you can play Co-ops IF you have a legal version of the game. PM me if ya want to battle with me against our enemys.
  9. pls make haste to enable pirated version to play on the internet section of emperor, looks like im the only one left with original disk and key, and wnat to play coop mode with someone else!
  10. you would need a legal key, as xwis server still not accepting pirated keys. bummer.
  11. why only coming back when certain conditions are met? just come back anyway! do you use a hamachi network?
  12. u can destroy this topic now, the info has been expierenced.
  13. Hi, i searched everywher on this forum but couldnt find anything related to this so here it goes, Why put the game automatically the model-graphics quality on low when on multiplayer games? i have a real Ace computersystem and cable internet connection so it shoult be bugging that. Someone knows?
  14. im dying for online battles against or with other human players, so count me in
  15. the people themselves bled this game to dead(and forum) by simply not playing online or post on this forum, so instead of whining, post/play more with that game. just look at C&C Renegade with the Renguard servers. game old as hell and there still a lot people playing there 200 persons a day is the average.
  16. add me too kwiegers90@gmail.com
  17. you dont need hamachi, elsewhere on the emperor BfD section of this forum its discussed you can use the default server of the game, as its the xwis server now.
  18. But why base your engine on the C&C Renegade game? nowadays graphics are waaaay better, juts look at Unreal 3 and primal carnage. It would be really cool to base your engine on those game instead on a old one. you have more possibilities as well.
  19. il would like to play co-ops, just PM me when. Default server right? (clean install on a fresh computer, so no xwis installed etc.)
  20. I can play in the weekends (usually, if im not avaible ill be on some concert or pub) mostly on 19:00 PM me if ya want a game.
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