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Here is my CD: Directory of G:\ 01/05/1995 09:01 547 GO.BAT 01/05/1995 08:12 383 HDINSTAL.BAT 01/05/1995 07:58 603 README.BAT 01/05/1995 08:18 449 SETUP.BAT 01/05/1995 07:45 <DIR> VIRGIN 4 File(s) 1.982 bytes Directory of G:\VIRGIN 01/05/1995 07:45 <DIR> . 01/05/1995 08:20 <DIR> .. 01/05/1995 07:46 <DIR> DUNE2 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of G:\VIRGIN\DUNE2 01/05/1995 07:46 <DIR> . 01/05/1995 07:45 <DIR> .. 11/01/1993 08:57 411.391 ATRE.PAK 01/05/1995 07:49 2.452 CDPATCH.EXE 27/10/1994 19:19 10 DUNE.CFG 14/01/1993 19:27 404.734 DUNE.PAK 18/01/1993 12:47 371.474 DUNE2.EXE 23/10/1992 10:19 1.792 DUNE2.ICO 16/11/1992 13:10 545 DUNE2.PIF 27/10/1994 19:47 4.814.105 DUNE2.RNC 18/01/1993 12:47 89.481 ENGLISH.PAK 11/01/1993 08:56 582.276 FINALE.PAK 15/01/1993 13:28 487.619 FRENCH.PAK 15/01/1993 08:24 492.525 GERMAN.PAK 11/01/1993 08:57 434.162 HARK.PAK 01/05/1995 08:07 194.410 HDINST.EXE 14/01/1993 19:27 1.224.371 INTRO.PAK 11/01/1993 09:00 975.460 INTROVOC.PAK 12/01/1993 08:10 573.783 MENTAT.PAK 11/01/1993 08:57 45.589 MERC.PAK 11/01/1993 08:57 462.480 ORDOS.PAK 14/01/1993 10:40 317.239 SCENARIO.PAK 15/01/1993 07:54 91.264 SETUP.EXE 06/01/1993 15:00 2.978 SETUPENG.DIP 15/01/1993 07:54 3.692 SETUPFRE.DIP 15/01/1993 07:44 3.699 SETUPGER.DIP 11/01/1993 08:57 1.310.138 SOUND.PAK 11/01/1993 09:00 262.744 VOC.PAK 26 File(s) 13.560.413 bytes If you want any info (or want it for your collection), just tell me where to send it...
He probably will, since this CD has a DUNE2.EXE that is reported by his editor as HS, but copy protection is active! and its dated 18/01/1993, prior to his HS (from 95). Im not sure if it is a legig copy, since ive downloaded it from the internet. But given the files timestamps and directory structure, it surely looks like so. All BAT files have the Virgin header, and files range from 23/10/1992 to 01/05/1995. Wish i had the cover or more info about it. Well, every modern soundcard have some sort of MIDI-playback capability. And generally far superior to what we listened to in 93. My soundcard is a modest, 7 years old SB Live! Value,. The very name "Value" means it was never a high-end soundcard, but its wavetable is quite decent, and old games sound really amazing. You should give your soundcard a chance, you might get surprised. SD2 is just a mod with different houses and minor gameplay fixes, right? Ill pass that. First im planning on beating the game with all 3 houses, which ive never did before (just harkonnen i guess). Then ill go Dune2000. Then i surely will try eXtended, looks quite interesting. Yup, cycles to max is mandatory for DuneII. As for core, i changed to normal, not sure if it makes any difference. Btw, in most cases auto = dynamic, so you dont need chance it from default. As for SB1, wow, sure? I would never guess that. Is this true only for Dune II? Mine is set to SB16, as its backwrd-compatible for all of them My config is attached. The main differences from default are: fullscreen=true (a must for any game, IMHO) output=ddraw (so it is able to do aspect correction and scaling. Any option besides the default "surface" will be able too) aspect=true (but it doesnt work as intended: since aspect from a widescreen TV is different from the games 320x200, i should get vertical black bars. but i dont) scaler=hq2x (better-looking than normal2x, but faster and sharper than eagle or sai) core=normal cycles=max (for some reason, auto core (=dynamic) and auto cycles made the game waaaaay too realistic, with huge slowdowns in crowded maps. Even a few units made it much slower. max gives me a perfectly smooth speed no matter how many units. And in-game speed setting works much better too. Only drawback is that mouse scrolling is very fast.) rate=44100 oplrate=44100 (if soundcard handles CD-quality fine, and some games use it, why stick with 22050?) [autoexec] mount c d:\jogos\dosbox mixer SB 140:140 c: cd dune2 dune2 exit (mixer equalizer is necessary for dune because its MIDI sounds are VERY loud when set to Sound Canvas. So 40% more in sound effects makes it same level as music. Then i could use master volume in my stereo to confortable levels. For all other games i usually set SB to 60:60 (means 40% quieter than music). The "exit" at the end closes dosbox, so i dont have to type anything to launch or close a game. ive created a launcher (.PIF in windows) for each game, with a command "dosbox -conf <game>.conf" to make things even easier. Any comments and suggestions are welcome (wow, that was again a HUGE post.. i gotta change that someday...) dune2.zip
Ok, now you nailed it! It means that, in terms of coverage of foundation (none = no concrete at all, partial = some slabs, full = all concrete) BEFORE FIX Initial HP: none = 50% < partial < full = 100% Speed of Decay: none = partial = full (i thought it could be none > partial > full, or at least none = partial > full, ie, full foundation decay would be slower than partial or none) AFTER FIX Initial HP: none = 50% < partial < full = 100% (same as before) Speed of Decay: none = partial > full (=0) Is that correct? Humm, that was it, i guess. I dont remember the buiding, but it could be one of these. Can you capture other factories, like Light/Heavy Vehicle? 100 to 2500 is very similar to what I start with. Means most of Ais cash in a map comes from harvesting. So it could be a viable strategy to go after harversters. I remember that up until level 5 or 6 i could kill almost all harversters before getting to refinery. Surely in at least half the trips it was destroyed before. That means AI with half the cash, gives me a significant edge. Ok, no more than 10 trides at once. But can i order, say, 8 trides and then, after a while, more 8 ? The limits of a single run of the frigate are not that relevant... i probaly will never hanve enough money for more than 10 units in a single order anyway. But for different orders, is there any maximum for each type? After buying 10, can i buy more form it later, or will that unit be permanently out of stock? Ok, thank you. So you may be right, it could be the "heat of battle" that made me think i did not received reinforcements.
If this was already bumped after 6 years, i guess no one will mind just 1 single year :P But eventually this feature also got included in your fix, right? Game seems much better now without that pointless and annoying "chek buildings hp and repair them all" routine As for the "from repair back to battlefiled" feature, any chance it also get included? Its very frustrating to have to design my base so repair goes in the middle of other buildings, like exploiting a bug. And i also lose the ability to repair Harvesters. And no, i will NOT waste a unit as a "door" for the repair facility. Too much micromanagement, and besides, thats lame.
But what is that bug?
Thats reasonable, since the READ.ME file ive also found there are instructions on how to patch. Its curious that this text file is NOT included in the offcial patch zipfile. Only PATCH.EXE and PATCH.RTP. Btw, none are present in the directory, but the READ.ME presence suggests this was indeed an upgraded version. Thanks for the detailed explanation on credits. Yes, its indeed the same size as MERC.PAK. And Windiff shows they are indeed identical. Looks like my version is full of garbage, isnt it? :P I thought about that. But ive read somewhere here Nyerguds explicitly saying that "now all the archives are the original, untouched versions", or something like that, so i got puzzled.. But both his US1.07 and HS1.07 are cracked The US by accepting any answer, and the HS byt skipping the dialogue. By "your" i meant the files at http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/dune/dune2versions/, which seems are mentioned in several posts as the indicated place to download it. It was "your" meaning the forum, as every version and patch and fix mentioned here is hosted there. (btw, what a wonderful resource!) I just noticed it is not present after running the HD installer, so i wont bother. I was urious because its so huge (more than 50% the size of the game itself). The DOS installler is a very simple one.. it asks some questions (about path, language, etc) and basically copy the files from CD to HD and then launches SETUP automatically I could upload the ISO (actually, IMG) sowhere if anyone is interested. Its only 16MB. Thank you!!! Thats exaclty what i did. And so far is working great. I was afraid of the absence of the CREDITS and HERC.PAK, but now i can finish the game without fear of missing anything. Btw, that sound card patch is great. Ive set music to "Sound Canvas", and voice and sound to "Sound Blaster Pro". Dosbox passes the music directly to my sound card (an ancient SB Live! Value PCI), and omg, it sounds AWESOME! I guess "Sound Canvas" is an odd name to General Midi, right? Sounds SO much better than emulated SB Pro, and also MUCH better than the (also emulated) MT-32, which actually sounds very bad (maybe Dosbox fault?). Last but not least, ive also "installed" your fix. And its GREAT! No more decay, game play seems smooth, not a single glitch so far. I was afraid the correction of team bug would make the game way too much difficult (i remember it already being pretty hard when i played as a kid). But so far i finished level 8 harkonnen, and difficulty seems fine. Maybe i just learned how to play decently. Absolutely perfect, great job! If anyone is interested, i can also share my dosbox.conf ive created for dune. Nothing fancy, but i tuned it to solve the slowdown when many units (now it runs same speed no matter how many units on map), and also adjusted the mexer to equalize MIDI+WAV properly Again, thank you for such impressive, detailed anwers. This forum is hands down the best resource in Dune 2 ive found. And you Mr Fibble has contributed a lot for it! Thank you!
Wow, thank you for such a comprehensive answer! :D May i bother you a bit further? Humm, so the initial HP is proportional to the foundation. Is the decay speed proportional too? At least the decay from a complete foundation is slower than the decay from a incomplete/non-existing one? I was talking about your 1.07 fix, the one that fixes the team bug among many other issues (thank you for that!), including the decay bug (now buildings with complete foundation do not decay at all, unless power is off). Now there is no decay. But before, was the decay at least slower? Or the difference was only in initial HP? Btw... how is capture done? Ive read somewhere that i must send a soldier (or any infatry) towards a building with red hp. I tried this, but instead of captring, the building exploded as soon as my solder touched the building! Did i do anything wrong? Hummm, thanks for the tip. but i guess ill try to destroy the CY. But that cash from a lost harvester is veeeery small. I thought of pursuing the harversters as a way to prevent the AI from having any income (besides initial cash). Cutting his income he will eventually run out of cash, after spending the initial cash, isnt it? Btw, do you have any idea how much cash the AI starts with? If its something like 15K~30K , i agree killing harversters wont make any big difference. Hum, thats sad :( Because i usually i am able to kill the harversters only when they are aready full, returning to base, but before it gets there. So in v1.07 theres no "up to a maximum of 10 per unit" anymore? What you said earlier is only for v1.00? Humm. But how is that script triggered? Time? Actions? I have a strong feeling that i get no reinforcements if i kill the attackers before they fire at my base.Is it possible the script is triggered by attackers hit my buildings? Or is it surely time-based only? and, again, that you VERY MUCH for such detailed ansers. I wonder thy these gamplay details mechanics are not published anywhere. the manual lacks a lot of information
Damage position bug? What is that? How it affects game, and is there any fix?
If splash damage only affects spice and concrete, and its 0.75 original damage to unit, that means the rocket is WORSE than bullets? Ive always placed infantry *behind* quads and tanks due to their superior range, and also thinking that this way they would deal MORE damage. The explosion is really misleading then...
As mentioned in my previous topic, im (trying to) replay Dune II. Ive just finished level 5, and i have some questions i cant find answers even after a lot of research (both here and in google) - About Building Decay/Concrete Slabs: I know that if you dont use concrete in all tiles of a building, it is created half-damaged. But what about partial concrete (like 2 out of 4 tiles)? Is there any diffference in the decay speed if none/partial/full concrete is used? Is the decay proportional to the area covered? Is the full decay slower than partial/none? Is partial better than none? What is the scenario after Mr Fibble's fix? - About Sandworms: can they be killed? Do they respawn after getting killed? Is there a fixed number of Sandwoms per map? do they permanently go away after eating some units? Are they related to fog of war (like barbarians in Civ4, for example) ? - About AI: Is there any way i can prevent it from re-building? Or slow down the frequency? They rebuild WAY too fast, and there is a bug that my units do not get aware of rebuilt buidings, even if they are in range. What should i aim first to cripple their base the hardest? CY? Windtraps? Refinery? - How does its economy work? Is it worth the effort of constanty killing their harversters, or do their initial credits are so huge that the harvested spice is irrelevant to their economy? - About Hall of Fame: how is the "Spice Harvested" score calculated, for me and the AI? Does initial credits are taken into account? Does the spice need to be processed by the refinery to be counted? Or simply harvesting them is enough? I ask this because no matter how many times i kill AIs harvester, no matter how many harverster i use myself, it always seems to get a huce spice score. How? Maybe because i kill it when its 100% full, heading back to refinery? Maybe because of initial credits? - Spaceport: is there any global cap on the units i can buy in a mission? I mean, besides the current map limit. Example: I buy like 20 quads (in several different purchases). After a while, they all get killed. Can I still buy them again? Or buy launchers? I fear about buying inexpensive units first (for scouting and/or distraction ) and then not be able to buy "important" units when its time for the real war. - Reinforcements: do i *always* get them no matter what i do? I have the felling that im not getting them if i play well. For example: when they attack my base, if i promplty reply and kill attacks, i do not get them. If i let them scratch my base for a while, then i get reinforcements. Is that true? I dont want to play badly to earn reinforcements. For now, i guess thats it. Sorry for the long post. I still have other minor questions, but these are the more important ones. Thank you!
Hi there folks! Ive played Dune II when i was like 13 (almost 20 years ago), and recently I wanted to play it again, for nostalgia's sake (it was and still is an awesome game). But, after downloading several versions from several sources scattered all over the net, Ive found myself completely lost by the overwhelming number of versions, files, executables, patches, fixes, etc. Its been like 3 days im reading the forum over and over. The more i read, the more i get in-depth details about the game, modding, patches. But also the more lost i get. I still have so many questions. Im trying to assemble a version similar to the one ive played back then. Could you guys help me? Heres the scenario: - Ive nailed all the versions ive download down to 2. Both 1.07. One seems to be US, and the other is a CD-rip (*.IMG) that looks like HS. I dont remember where ive downloaded them from. - The US version is almost identical to the one posted in http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/dune/dune2versions/. All matching files are bitwise identical, including DUNE2.EXE, but mine have 2 aditional files: CREDITS.ENG and HERC.PAK (besides other non-core files like ico, pif, cfg, read.me, etc). What are these files about? will i miss anything if I use the version you posted? - Also, why DUNE2.EXE dates from 29/03/2003 ? Werent they supposed to be 1992/3 ? Btw, they are both cracked: After mission 1, mentat asks the question, but thatever you type, it says its correct. - The CD version has a DUNE2.EXE of 371.474 bytes, dated 18/01/1993, 12:47:20. It is identified by Dune2Editor as HS, but it is NOT cracked! Meaning Mentat asks for the manual, and i must answer correctly. "Your" version IS cracked, but it had that graphic "glitch" when skipping the question. - Also, the CD version has a 4.7MB file called DUNE2.RNC. Thats huge for its time. Its not present when you install the game to the HD, but HDINSTAL.BAT on the CD checks for it. What is this file for? Additional voices or something? I want to use the US version, since i remember the "The Building of a Dynasty" voice when i was a kid. But i have no idea about its integrity. What should i do to rebuild a "legit" US 1.07 version, with all the features (2 sound cards, MIDI for music and SBPro/16 for voices/effects), bugfixes and, voices and everything? Btw, i run Windows XP and DosBox 0.73 And forgive me for the lost topic, and the poor english. And thank you!