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Everything posted by Moloch

  1. How about ebay? http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m38.l1313&_nkw=emperor+battle+for+dune&_sacat=See-All-Categories
  2. Hey dragin, RA's server is down at the moment so we're playing using Hamachi. Get it here http://hamachi.en.softonic.com/ Once you've got that join ebfd2001+ network, with password of 'dune'. Hope to see you online soon. :)
  3. password : dune server name : 2mp2r 3mp3r emp2r emperor BFD I'm on 2mp2r and emperor BFD. Hope to see you around. :)
  4. I'm logged in (again). Anyone wanna play?
  5. I'm logged in if anyone wants to play... I think it's working, anyway. ;)
  6. Join the Emperor network -- more players there already! NAME: Emperor BFD Password : dune
  7. Hey feydakin, not entirely sure what you're asking -- but you'll need the Hamachi tool, which basically sets up a fake network, so you can play Emperor games using the LAN setting (like battleLAN, etc). If you do a search for Hamachi on this forum you should find all the info you need. :)
  8. If anyone wants a Hamachi game, gimme a message! :)
  9. Cool videos, guys. I think your second link should be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnE9xJSQe2o&feature=related , right? I forget how great Emp looks on high setts. :)
  10. RA's server seems to be down. :-( Hopefully only temporarily. Anyone have contact with him?
  11. I added you to MSN (stormy.petrel AT hotmail.co.uk).
  12. I'm on quite often at the moment, and always up for a game. :)
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