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Everything posted by darandtar

  1. The tanks that the BG have in Chapterhouse were "donated" by their captive Scytale the last of the Tleilaxu. He was being held on the N0-ship with Murabella and Idaho to protect them from discovery by the Guild who had been usurped by the Honoured Matres.
  2. darandtar


    Would it be possible to write an encyclopeadia of Dune? I dont think it would be possible for the following reason. Shaddam,Paul and Leto II were the emperors of a million planets. Does anybody online or in the real world have time to catalogue all of these worlds. Also returning to the theme of this discussion, with one million planets is it possible that the empire is run and controlled from somewhere a little more central in the galaxy rather than from the end of an obscure spiral arm? With so many planets maybe thay found somewhere much better. ;D
  3. Chapterhouse Dune was perhaps the most frustration of the books because it answers many questions and yet asks so many more. Did the Golden Path forsee the Honoured Matres or was it set in motion to prepare the human race for their arrival? Was the scattering part of Letos plans? What happened to Idaho and the No-ship? Will Teg return to battle or lead the combined BG and HM?
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