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Fuchsia Tude

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Everything posted by Fuchsia Tude

  1. Yeah, it's funny, I don't remember exactly what he changed from the Spice Opera version of the tracks, but I like these tracks way better than I liked the originals on the 1992 CD. Unfortunately I think he used your Youtube upload of the Adlib Gold versions (from that reverse-engineering the original Dune game thread here way back when) as a reference when he was making his remastered versions, so even his remastered version of PC_ARRAKIS cuts off at 3 minutes instead of 5. In fact, he said he forgot he had written those last two minutes of the track 🙃
  2. I think you guys have spent several times longer reverse engineering this game than Cryo did building it :D Not complaining, I'd love to see your eventual results.
  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwesome! :O You knowww, maybe I didn't actually ever hear these before. I didn't think we owned an Adlib Gold or anything but Soundblaster and SB Pro cards, heh. But it's great to hear these recordings; it's like the difference between 16kbps and 256kbps audio bitrate of the exact same versions of the tracks -- and since I really don't like what Picq did in rearranging and synthesizing the Spice Album CD, this is pretty much the gold standard for the game score as far as I'm concerned. Thanks so much, Nerdsguy ;D
  4. NT-based Windows OSs have never been able to boot to DOS. (That includes XP, Vista, and 7.) They aren't shells running on top of DOS any more. Microsoft phased out 16-bit program support over a decade ago. :-X
  5. Any other pages of this thread you'd like me to quote? :(
  6. @_@Anyway, I can't run RDOSplay because I have a 64-bit operating system. Could anyone post recordings of the OPL3/adlib gold versions of the songs? I'm talking about this:
  7. I apologize for bumping this old thread. By any chance, does anyone have working links to download the above Adlib Gold or OPL-3 versions of the Dune soundtrack? I've wanted to hear it for years, the DOSbox versions never seemed quite like I remembered, but of course now it's been so long I can't remember exactly what they sounded like besides the DOSbox versions. Alternately, is there some place to find these tools that would allow me to unpack and play the original files? Apparently all of the files attached in this thread have been archived/inaccessible via FTP. Thanks so much for your assistance.
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