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Everything posted by Ampoliros

  1. Are you kidding? This was mindless action filler with a tenth-assed explination: I want to be famous, so i'll kill a lot of people and try to stop myself, just to get my name in the paper. Bludd was already in charge of the largest construction project ever undertaken. Simply because they can't write a religious/philosophical piece. Yeah, thats it. They CANNOT write a book without pew pew. Even worse, they can't understand why anyone would want to except those annoying "critical darlings" Straight from Karl Rove's playbook. Wow, they copied a political genius, thats really hard. Yes, gratuitous titties and pew-pew too! those aren't benevolent women. they are a trope of modern entertainment that combines gratuitous titties and pew-pew with a strong female character in order to not offend women. which of course is nullified by KJA when he has the intelligent and powerful ugly female midget use her powers to what? make herself into gratuitous titties and pew-pew.
  2. Why? We have 10 examples of how badly they understand Dune, how poorly they characterize even the simplest characters, and how often they like to use nonsense plots with holes large enough to herd a sandworm through.
  3. Also, the Empire covered more than a single galaxy. Navigation, done by prescient navigators, would take basically the same amount of time for a known location as an unknown location give or take a few prescient visions (i.e. is there a safe path to X star, is there a habitable planet at X star rinse repeat) Travel times are insignificant if not instant. Constant conflict usually has a net increase in population over the long run. It's also Frank's story, he can do with it what he wants, as long as he doesn't stretch credulity. NEWSFLASH: I said it's Frank's story. Artistic license becomes inhibited when its not your license. (read as it's not KJA's universe, no matter how much he wants it to be or claims it to be.)
  4. You know what you are right! I think we're putting too much emphasis on Paul being born on Caladan, lets change it! I think we're putting too much emphasis on Worms being a desert creature, lets change it! I think we're putting too much emphasis on the abilities humans can evolve if they change to think long-term, lets change it! I think we're putting too much emphasis on what Frank said and what he meant, lets change it! I think we're putting too much emphasis on Priests of Dur being Leto II worshipers from the Scattering, lets change it! I think we're putting too much emphasis on the History of Dune being an important metaphor for understanding the last 2 books, lets change it! I think we're putting too much emphasis on consistency and plots within plots, lets do something really brave: PLOTS WITHOUT PLOTS! I think we're putting too much emphasis on consistency and plots within plots, lets do something really brave: PLOTS WITHOUT PLOTS! I think we're putting too much emphasis on literary worth, lets change it! I think we're putting too much emphasis on Duncan Idaho playing the role of the "visitor (the character the audience will identify with)" in Utopian literature, lets change it! I think we're putting too much emphasis on asking the audience to think for itself, lets change it! Nice try Kev.
  5. DRUMROLL: ErasOmnius is either KJA in the flesh or so far up his bunghole as to be one and the same anyway. I don't think Frank was a God, but I do consider DUNE sacred (as in a masterpiece of human acheivement). He got things wrong. He took criticism. He was Human, as evidenced by his death. So, DUNE needs to be fixed eh? Not enough PEW PEW in it? no laser swords? how exactly do you define Sci-Fi anyway? (SyFY?)
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