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  1. Moses is an "Old Testament" person; the morality of OT is not the same of the NT, since it was "primitive", so some things that seem bad now, weren't considered bad then. The Law was fulfilled by Jesus. So no, fundamentalists should not execute homosexuals per the Leviticus :D
  2. I haven't read the six books yet, just the prequels and Dune Encyclopedia. Since the prequels and DE give totally different accounts, I believe the six canonical books don't address the matter. What the prequels say has been mentioned before. DE says that S2 was always a harsh world. The Sardaukar (and the Corrinos who descend from the Sardaukar) descent from there, and it was an ideal place to send prisoners on the planet and convert them to Sardaukar.
  3. Hey there. Nice to meet you. I have XP and 2Gigs of memory. I obtained Emperor to play. I have read several problems but so far I haven't encountered any of them. The game CDs are kept as isos in my HD and I mount them with Alcohol. I had no problem detecting the CDs and installing the game. All went perfectly, the game ran, I watched the intros etc. Now, when the first Atreides mission starts, I can play a bit, but after some minutes, the pc freezes altogether. I can't return to windows, so the only remedy is to press the reset button. This happened two or three times. It was not enough to see if a certain action I made triggered this "bug" or if it was random. I could also try to play with other houses and try the patches I downloaded, but my XP take so long time to load with each reboot that I'd rather not meddle with this thing any more before asking for advice. So I'd like to ask. Have you ever heard of this problem before? Is it a well-known one? Do the patches fix? If not, is there a known solution for it?
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