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Everything posted by armorlord

  1. I just played through your whole campaign including the subhouses. You did a great job and the improvements mentioned here are spot-on. I really enjoyed the difficulty and was only able to win by land grabbing and baiting beserks to empty out the AI bases. Was only able to do that at all by using my AI ally as cover. Then I had a blast treating the AI to pieces in less than 20 minutes from the endless ally onslaught. I had a great time even 6 years later. Thank you for a fun and entertaining 4 weeks. I have a couple bugs to report: 5a - freeze when capturing startport area - either at attack of turrets or capturing of peripheral buildings. 7a - initial 3 trike drop, when baiting to merc turrets for destruction. the fired missiles from the turrets results in a freeze.
  2. I tried using hamachi.. no cigar. I don't have an msn account but I got facebook, skype
  3. No we have not tried playing over hamachi since the computers are located right next to each other. I'd always welcome other players to play COOP with me if we can somehow get online at the same time... I'll try the hamachi trick tho.
  4. As the description says, me and my friend play and win level 1 in 2 minutes, want to move on to the next level, and all we get instead of the continue button at the bottom right of the screen, a "waiting for other player" button on one computer and a blank rectangle on the other. What gives?
  5. I tried downloading the game update from a couple of different places.. but whenever it tries to to update I get the same message: Could not update: armor.bin file is corrupted. Can anybody give me the actual file so I can manually put it in for the update to work?
  6. thanks to all, this actually helped me a lot.
  7. this still doesn't help me, I really wanna know how to place down units/give commands/ect. I have trouble with old programs :(
  8. I've recently downloaded the map editor, and I've been having a real hard time trying to save the maps in a way that they are formatted. Can anybody help me or give me a link to an instructions page?
  9. does this mod exist or is it stil in its origins? If it does exists can anybody give me a link to download it?
  10. yes, I was a fan of dune2k when I was 3, it was my frist video game. But I'd be more interested in finding an answer to my other subject.
  11. I'm a fan of dune 2k ever since it came out (I'm 14), and I never saw an option to team up in the network multiplayer games. I currently got version 1.02 (the installation disk version) and I would be really happy if after all those years I would finally be able to use that option. Does it exist or do i have to update to 1.06?
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