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Everything posted by Larrin

  1. Love the film, but don't know why!!! The atmosphere is really good, gets across the epic-religous feel of the books and again i like the casting, possibly the baron was a BIT over the top. Hate the missing scenes, but then again it is no worse than what Peter Jackson did to Lord of the Rings (where was the battle in the shire at th end~!)! I suppose pretty much everything to hate or love has already been covered, but in terms of film length i don't see why they couldn't have done a LotR style trilogy or something, or just made it longer. I have read the article explaining that no-one would want to take that kind of risk, but think of Das Boot (a highly sucessful film, brought out in Germany 3 years earlier and over 3 hrs long!), which is an amazing film i would reccomend you watch, starring none other than Duke Leto himself!
  2. Have to say i agree with the above, the original books are to SF what Lord 'o the Rings is to Fantasy , not going anywhere. i haven't read the Brian & Kevin books, and have to admit i am not really tempted, especially after reading all the praise directed their way. The games will live on forever in the odd person's cupboard. being brought out occassionally like a SNES with Duck Hunt; and the original Lynch film will be shown to younger generations by the previous, as i was introduced to it, then from me to my younger bro who loves it!
  3. With the new film coming out i would like to see a new version of Emperor: BfD, but a mmorpg would be awesome, i haven't checked this 'Dune Generations' yet, but i'll have a look now! In terms of the setting for a new game, i think Emperor had it right, mainly on Arrakis, with a few off-world ecursions to other locations.
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