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Everything posted by LordKingPoker

  1. Will start a discord if we get a lot of members we can start having a few games of this. With the dune movies I guess there will be more interest than usual. Ill get the download links for the game and post in discord if we get enough members for games. (no need to buy the disc) Discord invite is below. https://discord.gg/M3aaWGzf
  2. for anyone thinking about coming back to dune to play now would be a very good time to do so, currently we have 13 players on hamachi 8 of which are currently active and play mostly everyday. AndreyTV, Neo, Moro, Newlords, Miles, Eastman, youkolord, kingpoker. The hamachi app is great for seeing whos online all the time and setting up games, way better than tungle.
  3. darrentaylor89 is my skype. Back playing after 1 year+ break :)
  4. The game wont boot up at all I don't even get onto the westwood introductions. It trys but the screen goes black for a second but then back to desktop. Thanks.
  5. Hi, What is this where do I find it and you think it will work instead? Thanks.
  6. The game trys to start but then goes straight back to desktop and I get the error message (unable to create 3d device) FATAL ERROR then I click ok and and get message Runtime Error! Program C:\Westwood\Emperor\game.exe abnormal program termination Then I click ok and its gone...
  7. Windows 8 Pro IntelĀ® Core i7 CPU X990 @3.47GHz 3.47GHz 12.0 GB 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor if that helps any
  8. Hi all, Got the game today everything works fine until I download the patch 1.09 and when I try to start the game after that I get the error message (unable to create 3d device) FATAL ERROR. If anyone can help me with this so I can get online for games that would be great. Thanks in advance for any help.
  9. Cool I got tunngle working and just waiting on the game to come in the post :) Anyone know how to get EBFD to work on windows 8 ? I am guessing I will have a problem there when the game arrives , Thanks.
  10. none of the links etc work to get tunngle not used to all this sort of stuff could do with someone helping me getting online with ebfd
  11. also who all still plays the game spazlord silontee etc?
  12. Hi Guys, Long time and looking to return to the game.... Will have to buy the game again on amazon but I have new pc etc now and windows 8 so if someone could tell me how to go about getting online and what I need to do to play that would be great. Thanks.
  13. to go on with the topic at the top , i play poker for my money online and making around $20,000 a month so i dont have to worry about going to work or anything i do what i want all day every day and i tell you its still pretty boring lol. only thing that is worth doing is going out and getting drunk taking drugs and having a good time :)
  14. ok sorry didnt make it although this sunday i will definately make it if darkd3th can play , ill check back here before sunday to see if he replies here or whatever .
  15. so when arewe onfor the second game same time next sunday?
  16. Kingpoker, Darkd3th vs Erjin999, Deluged 1st game, winners = Kingpoker, Darkd3th
  17. yea sunday is fine ill be on from 10.30pm gmt . havent had any practice with dark either but i think we can take you 2 easy enough lol ....
  18. look on the thread i posted i have said date and time there if you can make it .
  19. Ok well i'll set a date and see we can all get on at same time if not then we can set another date/time . This Friday 17th of April at 11.30pm GMT . Ill be on hopefully all of you can get on at the same time .
  20. yea that is fine with me so what day will we play on and erjin999 what about you what suits you
  21. he means 10pm eastern which is 3am for me which i dont mind so when do we play ....
  22. 9GMT would be best time for me to play , could you other 3 let me know whats going on and when yous want to play thanks .
  23. kingpoker , darrenfthlol@hotmail.com
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