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  1. I'd just like to put my point of view in here because I love getting flamed... Personally, I do not believe that life begins at conception. I believe that a human is, by the sociological definition a Homo sapiens that can symbolize. Humans are the only species on the planet that can symbolize, that is take something and turn it into a symbol, such as a flag or an emblem. That said I do not believe in late term abortion. My feeling is, if they wanted to get an abortion they should have done it before the "pre-human" reached the later stages of development. Abortion at the early stages is no different then scratching your arm. Cells fall off, they die, a Homo sapiens shortly after conception is by no means a life because it doesn't fit into the biological definition of what life is...religion may say differently...but you show me one religion that has never, frequently, and on major issues, been wrong.
  2. Bin Laden is guilty...he admited it himself...we have the evidence. It just takes intelligent people to see that. And this forum seems to be lacking that. Isreal is under constant terrorist attack by the Palestinian infidels. They HAVE TO resort to such measures...the people who attacked America and attack Isreal don't...they choose to...and now they suffer the consequences.
  3. These attacks weren't to end terrorism...the attacks were to take down Osama Bin Laden, wipe out the Taliban and crush Al Queda (sp). Osama is the only objective that hasn't been accomplished so far...he's dying as it is...this attack was a symbol to show that the United States of America has a new attitude towards the rest of the world...we've been kissing ass for too long and it's time that America taught these bastards a thing or two about what exactly America has in her military... The rest of the world can sit pretty in their pithy thoughts about America. Haven't you people realized that America doesn't care what Europe thinks...you cowered behind us when the Soviet Union was knocking at your door and when they left the game you people said "hey, we don't need the Americans anymore". Well fine...we'll leave and we'll take our investment capital and aid with us...then you'll change your tune...
  4. You seem to be missing the crucial point that the prisoners being held at Quantanamo Naval Base lived in caves, touted weapons, we members of the group that attacked America. Every country has nationalists but we don't critize your countries for responding to an attack. And the idiots that you people are seem to be missing the knowledge that the United States of America has recently sacrificed several hundred million dollars to help rebuild Afganistan. That coming from a country that is now in the midst of a recession. And for your information the prisoners are being treated as good as any POW would recieve. The only reason they aren't being declared POW's is so that America doesn't have to release these terrorists back to Afganistan in accordance with the Geneva Convention...
  5. Wow, am I detecting quite a bit of nationalism in this thread. Is it just me or does everyone country and every non-American love to insult the United States because why? Because they're envious of what the United States holds. The United States is the richest most powerful nation that the world has ever seen. And Denmark and all those other pithy nations around the world don't like that...they hate the upstart American superpower. Well let me tell you people a few things...I was in New York on Sept. 11. I SAW people jumping from the World Trade Center. I SAW the streets coated with a layer of dust. I SAW the plumes of smoke that rose from the site for weeks after the attack. Al Queda (sp) prisoners are scum, they didn't where uniforms, and they didn't belong to a soverign nation. They are terrorists plain and simple. Don't you just love it...after giving billions in dollars in aid, and bailing out Western Europe in TWO world wars, we still get treated like dirt. Just because a few prissy Europeans can't stand that they lost their Empires, their Influence, to the Americans...
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