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Everything posted by MikeMurdock

  1. Hello I'm MikeMurdock. I joined this site to not only try to learn more about Dune, but also to help me to get some of the dune games to work on my PC. I own a computer with sadly Windows Vista.
  2. The problem is I downloaded the version from http://nahoo.net/ and when I installed the patch not only the thing no longer plays single player ,but did not slove the problem. I still get the weird screen issue
  3. If this is in the wrong section I apologize. Anyway I recently acquired dune 2000 and I downloaded it on my computer and it installed well. However when I started the Program I got this as my screen http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/6945/thehellqg0.jpg posting the url just in case the attachment doesn't go though. Is there a way I can fix this so then I can play dune 2000 without this effect on my screen? I tried Virtual PC, Setting it to 95-XP compatibility, setting it to 640x480 screen resolution, and running it in 256 ,but I still get this.
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