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Everything posted by AdmiralFF
do all the steps and it should work be sure to update dune to 1.06
u didn't do anything wrong pobably - there will be no one online at that moment
basicly it comes to this for the routers (if i remember good what fox told me) close down ur router - go to firewall and open all the ports u need to play dune - go to ur router and update ur firewall ports to ur router - this should solve the problem don't ask me how u have to do that coose i don't know ???
hey factor (not sure if u remember me - maybe as ENHTrike) just folow my post about the hamachi thing and re
hey shy - lots of new players on the servers to so they fastly say ur a cheater lol - it is normal if u don't know the guy
the network i created a while ago where there are about 30 ppl on will be closing down soon :( I lost my id coose i had to re
the network i created a while ago where there are about 30 ppl on will be closing down soon :( I lost my id coose i had to re
nothings wrong, there is just no1 online right now
it's in there mate
shy r u in lan lobby or on internetlobby? normally no1 is in the lobby when there is no1 to play so if u want to play with some1 just talk to him (right click chat) - at least i don't stay in that lobby all day and i think for the rest it's the same :)
Shy i think u are in the wrong server (i have seen u in the one gerret made a few months ago network name: DUNE2000) but i left that coose no1 was comming on there. You should join the one i made Network name: dune-2k Pass: dune (at evening u will see me, muis,lysy,preetham,ophirus and sometimes more or less but this 1 lives :) ) Edit: i see ur in our 2th server (Dune 2000 server) but there are only about 6members in there so just join the other 1 to :)
ultim8 u won't see steve online soon (he is alwais on offline mode) but it's months ago he said something to me :(
hi Ophirus, just check this post http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20809.0 it will help u to get to us ;)
You can find the instructions how to install and edit hamachi so you can play online here: http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20809.0 This is the topic where you can react on the instructions so the other topic stays clean and easyer to read. Hope i helped you out
Hi, I made this topic becouse i know ppl are trying to get to play dune2000 against other guys online and becouse there are lots of problems to get on the online server so here we go. You will need 2 things. Dune 2000 version 1.06 and Hamachi version If you didn't have upgraded dune yet go to http://dune2k.com/Duniverse/Games/Dune2000/Downloads/Patches and download the patch 1.06 Introduction to Hamachi Hamachi is a program that lets you emulate VPN-like behaviour over the Internet. It basically sets up a second, virtual network interface and assigns a unique IP address to that. You can then connect to any other network, as long as you have its name and the proper password. Once you're connected, it is indistinguishable from a real LAN. You can set up LAN games and share files (with Windows file sharing). Dune 2000 only works on version Click on link below to Download http://www.filehippo.com/download_hamachi/changelog/?2114 Join our Dune community on Hamachi make sure you type it correct as its case sensitive. Network name: Dune-2k Networks Pass: dune More networks i know of: Network name: Dune 2000 Server Pass: Arrakis Network name: Dune 2000 Server 2 Pass: dune Network name: Dune 2000 Server 3 Pass: dune Network name: dune2k-2008 Pass: 2008 If the network is full that means your not on the pro version. what you need to do is upgrade to the pro v 30day free trail. once done you will be able to join our network. you don't need to give any bank details when u upgrade to Pro V. also when the 30 days runs out you can still join our network and any other network that would normally be full if you were on a normal standard free account. The only down fall about this is that you get a popup every time you start Hamachi asking you to pay, just click ok to close the message. YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT Dune 2k ONLY WORKS ON HAMACHI VERSION, to download click on the link above. Hamachi Dune 2000 setup Step 1 Open Network Connections and right click on the Hamachi Connection and go to Properties Step 2 Go down to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click install Step 3 Click on protocol and then click add and follow the instructions until you get to step 4 Step 4 now scroll down to NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol and click Proterties Step 5 Now in the Internal Network Number type 00000000 and in Frame Type Select Ethernet 802.2 and in the Network Number type 00000001 then click on OK. All done you are now able to play Dune2k online using hamachi. Don't use the internet button again when you hitted Multiplayer button but use the LAN one (it will appear if u installed hamachi correctly like i explained up here) Plz don't post in this topic. I made 1 where u can react on Click here for that topic http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20810.0 Edit: Some peaple may have problems to join in the lan lobby (you can get in and you can't see the other guys or you are already in and the other guys can't get in - mostly there lan button will freez) Thats problem can come becouse of some routers. To solve this you just have to open all ports from your modem to your Computers ip address, and from your router to your computers ip address. If you don't know how to do this just add FOX4play to your msn (i asked him and he said he would be glad to help) His msn add is xrideordiex16@hotmail.com
No problem muis - i hope it won't work to well for shy -> she cicked my ass eanough long time ago. No hehe i hope she can get on :) BStyles -> when u get online on hamachi and u see someone else who want's to play u just both (or more) start up dune and hit the lan button and u will see each other in some kind of lobby (be sure to check on the Internal Network Number type is 00000000 otherwhise it won't work) muis -> do i make a new topic then where is start with explain how to get on hamachi so they can pin that?
ok there is something not correct in that post - step 3 is wrong (it says client and u need protocol) so i will post all steps correctly in here YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT Dune2000 ONLY WORKS ON HAMACHI VERSION, to download click on this link http://www.filehippo.com/download_hamachi/changelog/?2114 Hamachi Dune 2000 setup Step 1 Open Network Connections and right click on the Hamachi Connection and go to Properties Step 2 Go down to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click install Step 3 Click on protocol and then click add and follow the instructions until you get to step 4 Step 4 now scroll down to NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol and click Proterties Step 5 Now in the Internal Network Number type 00000000 and in Frame Type Select Ethernet 802.2 and in the Network Number type 00000001 then click on OK. All done you are now able to play Dune2k online using hamachi Hope this helped out (i posted this coose i found out about step 3 problem myself and last night triing to help muis2004 and couldn't remember how i got the NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol showing up - so this way i won't forget anymore)
do everything whats in this post and it should show up http://forum.rtsu.net/index.php?showtopic=5
i guess he can't find mine. not sure why but i think it's because mine wasn't up for a few days
i know how to get there but don't know how to make it a fixed ip
sux - got a changing one
Hi, I played dune over hamachi with someone the netword is: dune-2k pass: dune Does someone know about other networks i could join that aren't full yet so i can play agains more players? thx
ok we found out thats couze of rotorz connection so we get the countdown but non of us connects anny idea why that is?